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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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What are the legal issues presented by the use of volunteers? Can volunteers collect workers compensation, sue for discrimination, or bind the company? Our panel of experts will share tips on these and other volunteer issues including writing policies, conducting liability audits, implementing proper insurance, and gaining a clear understanding of the Volunteer Protection Act.

Join the general counsel of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, a Capital Hill insider and your in-house peers as they review the executive and legislative priorities that are driving the national environmental agenda. This well-informed panel will highlight the policy and program initiatives that are affecting pollution control, public lands, and enforcement practices and help you advise your company or organization on how best to respond.

What do in-house counsel need to know about the accounting requirements of Sarbanes-Oxley, Section 404? Are the SOX 404 requirements, strictly an accounting function or do in-house counsel have an interest? This session will provide you with up-to-date information on SOX 404 as well as FASB, public exchange, and the law involving other accounting guidelines effecting publicly traded companies.

In the wake of Sarbanes-Oxley, as never before, in-house counsel are developing serious concerns about their personal and professional well being. What are the limits of your liability? What actions can you take now to ensure your personal compliance with the law, while protecting the interests of your company? Learn details about your personal exposure and actions you can take to minimize them without undue exposure to your employer.

Want to get into the government contracting business but don't know how? Our contracting experts will give you all the law you need to fill your personal toolbox.

Regulators and experts tell us that in-house counsel are expected to help their companies do the right thing. Our closing session will help you think about what that really means. Be among the first to experience a dynamic new ACC ethics program. First you will watch the story unfold: a corporate counsel gets caught in an ethical dilemma not of his making; then you will hear from leading in-house counsel as they discuss how they would have reacted if placed in the same situation.

Presented for ACC Europe. This material contains program slides regarding compliance with EU employment law. There are also charts that compare differing country rules regarding business transactions, collective dismissals, and the comparative difficulty of regulatory compliance.

Overseeing a multinational legal department can present many challenges. Join with your legal peers as they examine and explain various management models including centralized vs. decentralized, matrix and others, reporting lines, control and consistency issues, and use of external lawyers among other relevant subtopics.

Conducting commercial business involves a multitude of risks, and rendering in-house services as a legal professional involves responsibility for decisions that affect the risk profile of your company. This session will examine significant areas of direct corporate risk: regulatory, product/service performance, compliance, reputation and financial, among others, as well as mechanisms for effectively managing such risks.

Compliance with multijurisdictional laws and regulations and observance of industry codes of conduct can be quite challenging in today's global economy. Our panel will discuss the practical aspects of developing a corporate code of conduct, dealing with the challenges of different regional norms of doing business and cultural differences, effective training and communication, and preserving your good corporate name and reputation.

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