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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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The recent high number of corporate bankruptcies points to the importance of strong risk management practices. No, you won’t have to wear a green eyeshade and crunch numbers. However, smart in-house counsel understand they must be knowledgeable about finance and accounting issues in a strong risk management framework. Increasingly companies need lawyers who can anticipate problem areas before they arise. We’ll introduce you to the basics of finance and accounting, risk management “best practices” and

This program provided a platform to share legal risk management approaches and to discuss potential best practices. The materials cover what was shared during this presentation.

In this session you will learn about the four main financial statements: balance sheets; income statements; cash flow statements; statements of shareholders’ equity and the difference in publicly-traded vs. private companies’ perspectives on these reports.

Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) have been on the top of the agenda for management and in-house counsel during the last years and trade compliance may or may not be getting the attention merited by the current complexities of this area of law. This will certainly have an
implication on the current trade compliance landscape and how in-house counsel should respond to it. This session will bring more clarity to the current status and provide concrete recommendations for your daily

Anyone who has come in contact with cross-regional data privacy issues understands the complex challenges faced by in-house counsel and the relevant stakeholders when addressing these concerns on behalf of companies, both for internally and externally- produced information. In no area is the reality of compliance as a process - including policy, law, IT and training-enhanced practice – truer than in data management and ensuring the integrity and application of the data privacy rules.

An overview of the legal issues typically faced by a foreign investor looking to establish and do business in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), with a particular emphasis on the UAE.

An overview of Chinese legal developments related to mergers and acquisitions and foreign invested enterprises.

This program will explore what companies are required under SEC guidance, or may soon be required (by regulation or consumer demand), to disclose regarding how much carbon their products have generated, the chemicals used in their products, the origin of product materials and the well-being of the workers making their products. This may soon be required of the entire supply chain for products.

<br />This program will provide guidance regarding your ethical obligation for responding to government requests for information, including informal letters from government agencies or their contractors, OIG subpoenas, HIPAA subpoenas, civil and administrative investigative demands, congressional and grand jury subpoenas. Various other ethical issues, including privilege, will also be addressed.

How much information is enough? What your Board of Directors really needs to know about your compliance program, why they need to know it, and how to tell them. Leave this session with practical tools you can implement back in the office including, examples of reports, scorecards and other tools for Board reporting.

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