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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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The attorney-client privilege and work product doctrines are under attack: recent ACC surveys have shown that in-house lawyers are experiencing increasing demands for clients to waive their privilege in a broad range of contexts, including prosecutorial, regulatory, with regard to third parties, and in the audit context. Panelists will share information on what’s happening and provide practical suggestions on practices your law department can implement to help preserve your client’s privilege and satisfy informational requests without waiver.

Annual Meeting 2006: Hold on to your Blackberrys! The patent system is facing some serious issues today. The reality is that the rules are likely to change. There are more patent applications, patents, and litigation than ever before. Congress is considering new legislation, the Supreme Court has taken several patent cases, and the US Patent Office is under stress handling the most applications in its history. The stage is set for a number of important and possible changes.

In December 2005, Australia and 30 other countries agreed on international anti-money laundering (AML)/terrorist financing standards and nine special recommendations on terrorist financing. For companies who own or deal with operations in the Asia Pacific region, this is a major concern. This session will discuss the unique attributes of AML in this region, how companies can use this to their advantage, and areas to look out for in the future.

A must for any in-house lawyer, our panel of privacy experts will update you on the most important federal and state court decisions as well as new laws and legislative initiatives impacting in-house practitioners and their companies and provide best practices on the subject. Plus find out whether employee identification numbers are considered personally identifiable information or not!

Establishing and managing corporate governance best practices for any company can be a challenge. But how do you do it on a limited budget with few personnel? How can a small law department meet the challenges imposed by evolving standards to adapt corporate governance best practices that fit the company? How do you advise the Board and senior management? Benchmark with your small department peers who have been there, done that. Learn what tools and resources are available to ensure compliance with best practice standards.

Our panel discussion will assist corporate practitioners to evaluate, analyze, and prioritize the myriad operational issues that arise in an organization when it is confronted with natural disasters and other crises. This panel of experts who have experience in dealing with recent disasters, such as Hurricane Katrina will explain the challenges confronted by their respective companies, and share the lessons learned from these trying circumstances.

If you work for a nonprofit, either full time or only as a volunteer to a community organization, it is imperative to remain informed on legal issues facing the nonprofit community. Our practical update of the legal climate surrounding nonprofits will educate you on the new and burning issues from the courts, Congress, and state regulatory front.

What if your global corporate group is falling on hard times? What legal strategy should you pursue based on local law and practice? This program will review the laws relevant to pursuing the best strategy including how to deal with other creditors from other jurisdictions, how to deal with local owners of companies in the group who may not recognize the principle that creditors have priority, the impact of the UNCITRAL model law on cross-border insolvency, and UNCITRAL deliberations of the issues presented by corporate groups, among others.

Whether you are part of a large legal department or a small one, you will appreciate the sage advice on selecting outside counsel from this expert panel. This seminar is designed to give you a how-to guide to using the best processes to select outside counsel. Topics to be covered include when and how to use RFPs, preferred provider networks, auctions, and other types of selection processes.

No one lawyer can stay on top of all the issues a year can bring, especially in the areas of technology and ecommerce. Never fear, ACC has you covered. Here is the only legal update you’ll need to keep you and your client ahead of the curve on the latest developments in ecommerce and technology law.

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