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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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This Careful Communication training course will help you take a closer look at your written and spoken communications on behalf of our organization to be sure that you're communicating as effectively — and compliantly — as possible.

To access the Careful Communication Training Course, visit <a href=>www.acc…;.

A media expert and counsel who've had experience in media interaction will discuss when "no comment" might be the best answer to a press inquiry and what to do when it isn't. Discussion also will cover how to make that decision, what kind of messages are effective and how to send effective messages.

Despite the global economic crisis of 2008, China still represents a major market and resource for many businesses along with its plan of four trillion RMB stimulus packages. After over 20 years cash inflow, China has been lifted out of poverty and has decided it is time to take a different approach to foreign investment. Recent developments in various industries and areas from both legal and governmental approval aspects for PRC foreign investment and M&A will be addressed.

This session, featuring current or recent SEC staff, will update you on SEC developments that affect corporate counsel. Attend this program and learn about the changes you need to know.

Everywhere we turn, we hear about climate change issues. You need to know about the changes that are coming and how they will affect your job as corporate counsel. This program will separate myths from realities and explain the practical implications of climate change on your company, including the effects of current and proposed legislation and regulation around the world on your operations and products, as well as new litigation risks.

Come and find out what's new as Supreme Court watchers brief us on significant cases decided since our last meeting, and the key business and procedural-related issues likely to be before the court in the upcoming term.

Join the panelists as they act out different leave and accommodation situations (taken from case law and real life examples) to demonstrate how employers should and should not respond to such requests.

Recently, leading companies have learned the hard way about being the victim of a breach of data privacy – even though they complied with regulations and standards. Data privacy compliance is a task that is becoming more difficult, and more critical, with each passing month, as more and more jurisdictions (state, federal and international) add to the regulatory matrix, and as private requirements (like the credit card industry's PCI-DSS) become more complex.

A multitude of issues can arise during the term of a real estate lease and/or at the expiration of a lease term that require in-house counsel to get involved. Many of these issues can be more complex than one would imagine, can cost your company unnecessary money and are often not fully addressed in the lease agreement.

While ethical obligations specifically regarding electronic discovery have yet to be formally recognized, courts are increasingly articulating counsel’s affirmative duty to act competently and fairly when integrating electronic information into their case. This presentation will explore important ethical considerations for attorneys as they relate to ediscovery. Understanding the details of each ediscovery phase is vital in avoiding judicial sanctions, ethical violations and malpractice claims.

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