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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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Risk assessment is an ongoing and vital part of any compliance program. You can't control risk until you identify it and measure it. As part of your company's compliance process, your legal department needs to develop and monitor a comprehensive listing of potential risks. Hear from our in-house experts as they share their best practices for assessing corporate risks, and learn the tips and tools on how to implement a control-testing process at your company.

A must-attend for any in-house employment and labor practitioner. Leaders in the employment and labor legal arena will update you on the most important federal and state court decisions as well as legislative initiatives impacting in-house practitioners and their companies.

A PowerPoint of the February 28, 2006 program on Key Competition/Antitrust Issues in Canada-U.S. Cross-Border Merger Notification and Review.

What does a sensible company do about document retention? This question is on the minds of corporate practitioners around the world as recent legal developments have put these corporate policies in the spotlight. Join your peers to learn what you should keep, what you can happily destroy, policies on saving emails and other strategic retention procedures.

The dynamics of today's global economy affect virtually every employer. The issues a company must face are similar from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but the solutions often are quite different. Our in-house experts will examine such labor topics as integrating the workforce after a merger or acquisition, hiring and firing, obtaining work authorizations, and understanding foreign jurisdiction workplace laws and regulations. Explore these and other matters a global workforce presents and take home real world solutions to apply to your own employment challenges.

What does it mean to be a business leader? What are the necessary skills and competencies? Are lawyers well suited to this role or should these functions be kept separate? What makes a good lawyer become an exceptional leader? How can you make the transition? Our panel of distinguished speakers will share their invaluable experiences and observations on the role and potential of the in-house lawyer.

How can you get the best out of your IT? Where should you invest for the future? What technological advances can provide real working efficiencies? What are the risks when you rely on computer systems for legal work? Some legal departments have put IT at the center of their world, but others are more wary. Can machines do a lawyer’s job? Join us for a discussion on the best in class use of technology to drive savings and free up time.

How does your company manage dispute resolution? Likely your process is vastly different from the next company’s particularly in a multijurisdictional environment. Learn from your peers successful ways to manage for establishing and maintaining a successful, cost-effective program at your organisation.

Everyone likes to talk about "partnerships" with outside counsel, but often we do not focus on building effective and mutually beneficial relationships. Learn how to work effectively with your outside counsel. Topics will include ethical issues and requirements for engagements, billing, and legal work product.

Recent cases have made the news, even gone all the way to the Supreme Court, about what must be kept, what can be shredded, and when. Discovery orders during litigation and government investigations complicate the issue. We all know some of the theory, but hear from our experts some practical tips about how to develop, implement and maintain an effective recordkeeping policy and how to comply with the growing burden of record retention.

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