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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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Whether you think of yourself as a litigator, a regulatory specialist, or a transactional lawyer, as a legal manager you will deal with litigation. Because the costs can be so high, many CEOs and other business managers measure the effectiveness of the law department based on how well the department manages litigation. Learn about the latest issues in managing litigation, to help your company achieve the desired result at the right cost.

CCU 2007: You deal with these types of documents, most likely on a daily basis but, is your comfort level where it should be on how your company's contracts are negotiated, prepared, and executed? If you are involved in working with contracts, either from the beginning (creating templates) or at the end (handling execution-ready documents or performing due diligence reviews), then this session is for you.

CCU 2007: Your supervisor is standing in your office tapping his/her foot looking for a document needed NOW. What do you do? With our rapid document retrieval tips and techniques, you'll be handing that document over in a speedy, quick process and moving on to the next crisis without a second thought. (paralegal track)

Corporate practitioners new to in-house will benefit greatly from this conflicts of interest primer. We'll take an in-depth, corporate setting view of the subject and focus on best practices for resolving conflict issues raised by Sarbanes-Oxley and other relevant governance, legal, and compliance requirements. Our experts address the significance of the conflicts issues in the corporate world and best practices for resolving the matter should it arise.

A Powerpoint presentation on E-Discovery Litigation Response Strategy by Kelly Friedman, Litigation Partner, Ogilvy Renault LLP

2007 ACCE Annual Conference: When you think litigation, you think high costs and time away from more productive work. Other options to costly litigation have been available for some time, but how useful are they? This session focused on the use of mediation as an alternative to litigation.

As in-house counsel, you are likely the first line of defence or corporate "spokesmodel" in a crisis situation. When press or regulators come knocking at your door will you be prepared? This interactive session focused on what to do in a crisis, how to handle a media call, what you should or should not provide a regulator in a dawn raid, and much more.

2007 ACCE Annual Conference: The dynamics of today's global economy affect virtually every employer. The issues a company must face are similar from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but the solutions often are quite different. Our in-house experts conducted a comparative review of employment law in various jurisdictions and examined such labor topics as integrating the workforce after a merger or acquisition, hiring and firing, obtaining work authorizations, and understanding foreign jurisdiction workplace laws and regulations.

2007 ACCE Annual Conference: Although not taught in law school, risk management has become a hot topic for in-house counsel globally. Have you conducted a risk analysis for your company? Do you have a set of policies and procedures in place to respond to the results of that analysis? Regardless of whether you have conducted the research or have procedures in place, this session will provide real-world insights into establishing a system or improving an existing one including ensuring your management team is on board with what you find and solutions to correcting any challenges.

2007 ACCE Annual Conference: Is your company tempted by the prospect of saving big money by outsourcing technology service, customer call centers, and human resource functions to India or Eastern Europe? You may want to think before you jump. Our panel of outsourcing experts shared practical advice on conducting due diligence, structuring outsourcing agreements, drafting contracts, and minimizing risks.

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