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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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Law managers must develop the management and relationship skills that aren't taught in law firms or in law school. How can you be more than just a manager and become an effective leader in your department? Here is your chance to learn! Become an expert in developing leadership qualities within your legal department and help improve job satisfaction among your team. Take home methods to become more involved with corporate strategy and committees. Plus receive valuable tips on developing a law department business plan.

As business becomes more global, so too should the focus of IP strategy. Our panel of IP experts will focus their discussions on emerging markets, such as China, Singapore, and India as well as developments in more mature markets such as the UK and Germany. Our program will teach you how to use legal IP protections, other than patents, (e.g., trade secrets) to assist a company in protecting its intellectual property, even when IP enforcement laws differ from those of the US.

Prosecutors call it "three hots and a cot." Others call it "Club Fed." No matter what it’s called, today’s prosecutorial zeal often has one common goal: corporate officers leaving the executive suite for an eight by ten cell. The risks of running a business in today’s environment are far greater than the already formidable downside of potential business failure, and even unintentional missteps can result in a costly investigation, an enforcement proceeding, or a criminal indictment.

Securities litigation and derivative actions pose significant threats to corporations. Our panel of experts will review the cases and discuss the trends, focusing on the lessons that can be learned to help securities lawyers and litigators work together to prevent these actions in the first place. Join in the discussion and share your thoughts regarding several recent high-profile cases, in which in-house lawyers have been held accountable for securities law violations of their companies. Take home practical advice on how corporate practitioners can best manage these risks.

How do you create enforceable contracts with users of your web site? What happens when users are worldwide? Are privacy policies really contracts and do you need one? What are the major elements of a use agreement? Should you incorporate privacy policies into your use agreement? What issues should you consider when linking to another company’s Internet property?

Often that the press only writes about IP worse case scenarios. Our discussion is intended to focus on more real world legal issues that corporate practicitioners confront and how to learn from them. Our panel of IP veterans will cover such topics as learning from IP challenges and how to confront them and how to set expectations of management on IP issues.

In today’s increasingly litigious environment, corporate counsel must be able to navigate their company through class actions and other complex litigations that challenge the very integrity of the company’s goods and services. Such cases are filed every day, and represent billions of dollars of potential liability. You’ll hear from experts, including general counsel of some of the largest companies in the US, who have prevailed in high-stake litigation including defeating efforts to certify nationwide class actions in federal and state courts throughout the US.

Explore four key issues facing nonprofits today. Learn how your organization can successfully survive a Data Breach, manage Intellectual Property Risk, counsel your clients on Political Activity and Structure Your Nonprofit Organization for maximum effectiveness. Keep your organization out of the headlines with these important updates.

Latin America, with its numerous jurisdictions and varying labor laws and requirements in each can make even the most experienced employment counsel's head spin. This overview presentation will provide a comparative review of labor law in the varying countries, identify the common issues and requirements, highlight the differences among the various countries in Latin America and reveal the impact that these laws and requirements can have on a company doing business there.

Three federal agencies have released final regulations on what is allowable as part of company wellness programs including premium discounts, health risk assessments, and more. The regulations are required reading to avoid ERISA, HIPAA, ADA, and IRS issues. Allow our panel of seasoned counsel to highlight the requirements of the regulations and the interplay between applicable statutes, and identify best practices throughout the country to (legally) help control health costs.

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