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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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General information on patents and patentable subject matter.

Explores the benefits and pitfalls of collaborating with other attorneys/firms during litigation.

Describes how to evaluate a company's vulnerability to security threats and how to formulate a security plan. Lists factors affecting corporate security strategy and provides recommendations for security enhancement, including securing underground parking facilities and mail handling procedures.

Contains information on how boards should fulfill their responsibilities, including selecting a director. Also discusses recent changes and proposed changes to corporate governance.

This presentation discusses the environmental justice movement, the work of the NEPC (National Environmental Policy Commission) and several statutes, including the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), Marine Protection, Research & Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA) & the Clean Air Act (CAA).

Tips to prevent employee litigation, sample arbitration agreement, and tips on forming an effective partnership between inside and outside counsel.

Do's and Don'ts of preparing effective development plans and recruiting/retaining in-house staff. Also, tips for creating developmental assignments & a performance evaluation system.

Bullet points on building a better relationship between HR & Legal Dept.

Center for Legal Policy Civil Justice Report:"Class Action Magnet Courts: The Allure Intensifies?: p.4-19 (discusses problems with the judicial system leading to the creation of magnet courts like those in Madison County). Chicago Tribune editorial discussing proliferation of"venue shopping? by civil plaintiffs: p.20-21Center for Legal Policy Civil Justice Report:"Class Action Magnet Courts: The Allure Intensifies?: p.4-19 (discusses problems with the judicial system leading to the creation of magnet courts like those in Madison County).

Legal considerations, tools, security, choosing suppliers, and other issues regarding the creation of a web-based ordering system. Also, bullet points addressing supply chain optimization opportunities, internal & external networks, and cautions.

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