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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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ACC National Capital Region’s Nonprofits & Associations Committee is joining forces with the ACC Global Nonprofit Network again this year to present a joint conference for in-house nonprofit counsel.  This year's topics will focus on the legal and financial implications of driving revenue from alternative sources and educating yourself on your organization’s financials.


9:00 AM EST - 10:00 AM EST -  SESSION 1: 
The Brave New World of Fundraising: A General Counsel’s Guide to Compliance Concerns 
Presented by Polsinelli

10:15 AM EST - 11:15 AM EST  - SESSION 2: 
Inside the Mind of Your CFO 
Presented by Caplin & Drysdale

11:30 AM EST - 12:30 PM EST - SESSION 3: 
Venture Philanthropy, Impact Investing and More 
Presented by Arnold & Porter

Click HERE to  download a full Agenda with blurbs.


Join the Nonprofits and Associations Committee for its first social event in two years! 

No delays or single tracking here! Take the Metro (or your preferred form of transportation) to Metrobar for an in-person happy hour with the ACC NCR Nonprofits and Associations Committee. This is an opportunity to reconnect with old friends and colleagues and make new connections with other nonprofit in-house attorneys.

Enjoy a beverage of your choosing and food from a local food truck all alongside an actual decommissioned Metro car. (Attendees will purchase their own food and drinks.)

Registration is limited.

ACC South Florida has teamed up with Legal Aid Service of Broward County to offer a Pro Bono opportunity for our members. 


The Legal Aid “Telephone Advice and Counsel Hotline” offers free legal advice and counsel to low-income residents of Broward County and is staffed by volunteer attorneys from our community. The Hotline is being operated remotely on Tuesdays at 2 PM and is primarily advising tenants concerned about their housing rights. Legal Aid will provide a training by phone at 2pm on that Tuesday so the attorneys do not need to prepare before their appointments. We email PDFs of the case files (with suggested advice) and our Hotline manual to you and ask you to call the clients from your own phone (using *67 to block the number if you choose).

Lastly, Legal Aid asks you to fill out an online form to tell us briefly what you advised the clients to do so that we may update our client records. The attorneys do not need any prior experience with the areas of law that we handle, and all advice is covered by our malpractice insurance. Also, there is no follow-up work that the attorneys have to do. Every volunteer attorney will receive 3 pro bono credit hours for each day that they volunteer.


Every Tuesday in April – April 5, 12, 19, 26 from 2-5pm. Pls note, this three hour time block is when clients expect to receive calls and is not necessarily the minimum or maximum time commitment.


Via phone

If you would like to participate, please click here to sign-up. For more information on Legal Aid Service of Broward County, please visit

Please join us for the ACC-WI 2022 Annual Conference & Meeting of Members!  

This 1.5 day event provides 22- hours of CLE programming for you to choose from, which includes 1.0 hour of Ethics, and is specifically designed for you as an in-house attorney.  Our registration format allows you to customize your program schedule to fit your practice needs. Conference registration includes one hotel room ( Early Bird Registration) continental breakfast during Thursday morning check-in, luncheon and Keynote Speaker on Thursday, cocktail reception Thursday evening and a hot breakfast on Friday. You may also join us for a variety of networking events at the conference. All paid registrants enjoy free attendance at our Fall 3.0 Ethics Seminar.

The health and safety of our members, sponsors, staff, and guests (“all attendees”) at our annual conference is of the utmost importance to the ACC-WI.

To help ensure a safe environment for our annual conference, ACC-WI is requiring all attendees either be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or have a negative COVID-19 test 48 hours prior to the event. Your attendance at our annual conference certifies that you are in compliance with these requirements. We will be following all CDC recommendations in place at the time of the conference.

We are a profession subject to ethical obligations. As such, we expect all attendees will respect and abide by these requirements for their own safety and the safety of other attendees.

This 2-hour virtual session will look back on 2021, summarize legal trends and developments for tax-exempt organizations and describe current trends that could affect nonprofit organizations in 2022.  Practitioners will guide you through a discussion on various topics including the following:  

  • Cryptocurrency in the tax-exempt world  
  • Increased activity of State Attorney Generals  
  • Online fundraising tactics and how they are regulated  
  • Nonprofit advocacy in a charged political environment marked by redistricting, legislation, and upcoming elections 


With the continuing impact of the Covid pandemic it has been challenging to find ways to give back.  In light of the upcoming holidays, we would like to take this opportunity to explore ways in which we can each give back both now and in the future.

Please join Clifford Chance for an interactive panel with representatives from diverse non-profit organizations including Knock Knock Give A Sock, My Sisters' Place, the New York Foundling and The Center:

  • Knock Knock Give A Sock – working to humanize homeless and raise awareness
  • My Sisters' Place – striving to end domestic violence and human trafficking
  • New York Foundling – helping children, youth, adults and families in need
  • The Center – working towards a vision of justice and equality for all LBGTQ New Yorkers


You will hear about the organizations' missions, impact in the community and ways to support their work.

The first 50 registrants will receive a gift voucher for Gifts for Good (a sustainable gifting organization) courtesy of Clifford Chance.

*Contact information (including email address) will be shared with Clifford Chance so gift vouchers can be distributed.*


Kirkley Strand, Vice President of Development and Communications, The Foundling

Carly Levine, Director of Development, My Sisters' Place

Adina Lichtman, Founder,  Knock Knock, Give a Sock

Chris  Barberesi, Corporate Partnership Manager,  The Center


1:00 - 2:00 PM  / Program

Polsinelli & America's Promise Alliance
13 pages

The purpose of this Sample Gift Acceptance Policy is to provide guidelines relating to the acceptance and processing of gifts in a manner that is consistent with the mission and values of America’s Promise Alliance and to provide donors with transparency on the matters described herein. This policy shall be posted to the America's Promise Alliance website and made available for all donors to view.

Resource Details
Interest Area: Nonprofit Organizations
Region: United States
Audience: Mid-Career, New to In-House, Small Law Departments, Large Law Departments
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