Eversheds Sutherland and ACC Philadelphia invite you to a facilitated discussion to develop strategies for dealing with the sometime conflicting roles that senior in-house counsel play in supporting the business while managing risk.
Over lunch with high-level counsel from the country’s leading companies, we will, as a group, identify best practices and innovative approaches for being effective in the role of a top-tier legal officer who is frequently called upon to find a path forward for the business on a road filled with potential risk.
We will consider a range of issues that arise when the law department’s risk management goals conflict with the desired direction of senior management, such as:
- Who is the “client” when conflicts arise?
- What is the “right” framework for decision-making?
- What can you do when legal ethics conflict with business ethics?
- How can you maintain effective communication with executive level leadership and direct reports?
- How can you preserve privilege when the lines between roles become blurred?
Under Chatham House Rules, the discussion will be an interactive and free-flowing opportunity for all to share their insights and strategies for dealing with the kinds of problems that senior in-house lawyers often face.
Speaker: Nicholas T. Christakos, Senior Counsel, Eversheds Sutherland
Eversheds Sutherland Senior Counsel Nick Christakos will facilitate the discussion. Nick served for nearly two decades as the Eversheds Sutherland US General Counsel and more than 30 years as a litigation partner with the Firm. In his position as the Firm’s GC and as a practicing litigator, he gained unique insight into how senior legal leaders address threats to the institution and what they expect from their lawyers (both in-house and outside) during a crisis. In his practice, Nick has represented clients across a range of industries in federal and state courts and arbitral forums around the country. He has also advised many clients on how to avoid or minimize risk. Nick regularly lectures to industry groups and national and regional meetings of in-house counsel on crisis response, risk management, and ethics issues.