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This is a sample trademark license agreement specifically for China.

Resource Details
Source: Resource Library
Region: China
4 pages

This is a sample trademark license agreement, for rights to use trademarks in the United States in connection with the advertisement, promotion, manufacture and distribute of goods bearing the trademarks, and for the payment or royalties.

Resource Details
Source: Resource Library
Region: United States
9 pages

These are sample Master Terms and Conditions governing a sample Third-Party Charitable Sales Promotion and Licensing Agreement, between a not-for-profit organization and a for-profit company, for the for-profit company to sell products promoting a cause of the non-profit organization in the United States, and for the payment of resulting royalties to the non-profit organization.

Resource Details
Source: Resource Library
Region: United States
5 pages

This is a sample Third-Party Charitable Sales Promotion and Licensing Agreement, between a not-for-profit organization and a for-profit company, for the for-profit company to sell products promoting a cause of the non-profit organization in the United States, and for the payment of resulting royalties to the non-profit organization.

Resource Details
Source: Resource Library
Region: United States

This is a sample software license and services agreement.

Resource Details
Interest Area: Commercial and Contracts
Source: Resource Library
Region: United States

This is a sample software license agreement.

Resource Details
Interest Area: Commercial and Contracts
Source: Resource Library
Region: United States

This is a sample company services and license agreement.

Resource Details
Interest Area: Commercial and Contracts
Source: Resource Library
Region: United States

These are sample selected model clauses for software license agreements.

Resource Details
Interest Area: Commercial and Contracts
Source: Resource Library
Region: United States

This is a sample Software Development Kit license agreement.

Resource Details
Interest Area: Commercial and Contracts
Source: Resource Library
Region: United States

This is a sample patent license agreement.

Resource Details
Source: Resource Library
Region: United States
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