This primer shows how Hong Kong has a three-tier system of banking institutions covering licensed banks, restricted licence banks and deposit-taking companies. There are separate licensing regimes, laws and regulations governing money lenders and money brokers.
This primer focuses on the two main bodies that have emerged from the crisis to lead the debate: the Basel Committee and the Financial Stability Board, which emerged in 2009 as a new global leader in the debate on measures to improve international financial stability.
This guide is a timely resource for company directors, company secretaries and legal advisers in Hong Kong on corporate governance.
An informative primer on accessing foreign tax information networks under the OECD Model Convention.
This article discusses Asia mergers and acquisitions, understanding the differences between English and US approaches.
This brief resource (Quick Counsel) reviews the regime of compensation of post contractual non-compete clauses in employment contracts, as well as in a number of commercial contracts. It focuses on the rules applicable in France, while highlighting some particularities in other European countries.
This Top Ten provides a brief overview of some of the most attractive reasons a foreign investor should take into consideration when deciding to invest in Romania. From a business standpoint, information on the following areas could raise the interest of a potential investor in Romania.
The following agreement is applicable for a small company doing business with a larger company.
Preemptive clauses allow a person or entity to acquire priority shares of a company before they are transferred. Although preemptive clauses can be embedded directly into the bylaws, drafters may also insert them into shareholders' agreements. This QuickCounsel will review the pertinence, validity, and effectiveness of such preemptive clauses under French law.
This Opinion analyses the criteria set down in Article 7 of Directive 95/46/EC for making data processing legitimate. Focusing on the legitimate interests of the controller, it provides guidance on how to apply Article 7(f) under the current legal framework and makes recommendations for future improvements.