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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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Is your company unknowingly stealing the intellectual property of others? Are your employees stealing your company's IP? Are other companies stealing your IP? Learn what to look for and how to protect your company's IP, including building a trade secret protection process, confidentiality/NDA agreements, branding, assignment documents and work-for-hire agreements.

This program materials helps in-house counsel involved in M&As understand the ways in which tax issues might impact corporate transactions.

This materials includes an overview of nonverbal communication, which accounts for 93 percent of communication; how to prepare for superior results; how to handle conflicts and difficult individuals and how to avoid common mistakes even experienced negotiators make.

Part 1 of a two-part Contract Drafting Program. This program will analyze and discuss warranty, epidemic failure and limitation of liability clauses. We will discuss how these clauses interrelate with each other in various types of commercial contracts and how they can be best drafted to suit your needs. The program will focus on drafting skills, and samples, good and bad, will be provided and discussed.

A giveaway may be deemed to be a sweepstakes or contest; worse, it could end up being deemed an illegal raffle or lottery. Learn the differences between them, how to spot potential problems and how to help ensure that the campaign makes marketing, legal and customers happy.

This material teaches how to handle specific requests from foreign government officials, deal with due diligence red flags, manage travel expenses and per diems, and address charitable donations and community development initiatives.

Learn how to integrate the acquired management and workforce and the potential impact of local particularities on the timeline, and understand how to rationalize the combined business and reorganize the combined business's legal structure. Look at coordination of these various functions and the role of corporate and external counsel in preparing and implementing an integration plan.

Discover the critical factors to consider in deciding whether and how to form a joint venture with a Chinese partner or to invest in a wholly-owned foreign entity, including issues arising from Chinese foreign ownership restrictions, as well as issues relating to technology transfers, protecting IP, leasing property, hiring staff, dealing with local governments and establishing banking relationships in China.

An overview of the process involved when public companies merge or are acquired. Includes survey of M&A market trends, the use of tender offers, and common problems in public company M&A's.

Provides tips on preparing for and defending against securities litigation. Includes case studies of acquisitions gone wrong and issues that arise when companies go private.

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