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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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Privacy and the collection of personal information is a hot topic around the globe. Whether you are in the U.S., Europe, or elsewhere in the world, various laws and regulations apply to how you can gather, maintain, or disseminate this information. Get a brief update on the rules and then delve deeper into how to handle this information legally, including how to establish a compliance program to do so, use of internal monitoring systems, and best practices for communicating policies to your workforce.

Although most of the recent federal and state regulations and exchange requirements apply only to publicly traded companies, all companies can benefit from good corporate governance practices. Family owned companies often face special challenges when it comes to corporate governance. Learn the best practices for corporate governance applicable to all companies, and how to handle some of these special challenges.

Antitrust compliance issues abound in the international marketplace. Our panel of seasoned international counsel and government officials will provide an update on antitrust compliance preparation in the U.S. and Europe and will provide tips, tools, and resources to establish a sound competition compliance program at your company.

Faced with a multitude of new regulatory requirements from both the government and the stock exchanges, companies are looking at other options for raising equity. Current options include going private, or registering and selling shares on a non-U.S. exchange. This session will examine the pros and cons of these options compared to being publicly traded in the United States, including a close look at the appeal of a listing on the London Stock Exchange.

Compensation is a key issue at any company. As legal counsel, you are sure to deal with this question on a regular basis. But are you as well versed in the topic as you should be? If not, allow our employment experts to share their insights on this hot topic including ways to identify and avoid potential problems. The session will present a discussion of compensation topics including elements of executive compensation, international compensation, and how recent legislation affects them.

This advanced level session will provide you an overview of negotiating international license agreements in the context of a variety of property types (trademarks, patents, copyrights, and databases). Included in the list of topics to be covered will be defining the nature of the properties, licensing fees and payment issues, identifying the role of licensing representatives, choosing the applicable law, choosing the appropriate entity to receive the license, and much more.

If your company enters into commercial agreements with other organizations and you don't understand the law surrounding the insurance issues relating to them, this session is for you! Join us as we look at the various insurance clauses that should be included in your agreements and their legal impact.

Many in-house counsel maintain a business responsibility in addition to their legal role and numerous others spend time "getting closer to the business". How do you manage this schizophrenia? What happens when one gets in the way of the other? Hear perspectives and answers to these and other questions.

Opening an office or subsidiary in a foreign jurisdiction can be daunting, and not simply because of culture, location or resource challenges. This session will provide a valuable discussion of the topics and explore various practical and legal issues arising when opening and operating satellite offices in foreign jurisdictions.

All assumptions should be checked at the door for this engaging session where our panel of experts will provide an overview perspective on commercial and IP litigation procedure in various jurisdictions, including the UK, Germany France, and the US. Pan-European in-house counsel should plan to attend in order to learn how to reduce the often surprising, and sometimes frustrating, process of suing or being sued in foreign jurisdictions. Topics to be covered include discovery, timing, the appeals process, and enforcement issues.

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