Join ACC St. Louis and the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis on Thursday May 9th at the Ritz Carlton for the 39th Annual Corporate Counsel Institute (CCI)!
7:30 – 8:30 Registration, Continental Breakfast and Visit Exhibitors
8:30 – 8:40 Welcome & Kick Off Remarks
President, Association of Corporate Counsel
President, Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis
8:40 – 9:30 Session Title: This is Not a Game (Show)! Ethical Issues in Internal
Investigations That Could Land Your
Company in Jeopardy!
1-Hour Ethics
Law Firm: Bryan Cave
9:40 – 10:30 Session Title: Hot Topics from the Highest Courts
Law Firm: Lewis Rice
10:30 – 10:45 Break: Visit Exhibits
10:45 – 11:35 Session Title: Organizing Trends and Employer Strategies after the NLRB’s CEMEX Decision.
Law Firm: McMahon Berger
11:35 – 1:00 Lunch and Presentation
St. Louis is Resurgent:How Business and Civic Leaders Are Coming Together to Move the Metro Forward
Carolyn Kindle, CEO and Co-Owner at St. Louis CITY SC
Gabe Gore, City Attorney, City of St. Louis
Travis Sheridan, Chief Community Officer for Wexford Science and Technology and Co-Chair of the Brickline Campaign
Moderator: Jason Hall, CEO, Greater Saint Louis
1:00 – 1:15 Break: Visit Exhibits
1:15 – 2:05 Session Title: The Building Blocks of M&A: Key M&A Issues and Trends
Law Firm: Armstrong Teasdale
2:05 – 2:15 Break: Visit Exhibits
2:15 – 3:05
Break Out A: Thriving Under the Corporate Transparency Act
Law Firm: Polsinelli
Break Out B: Finding the Fodder of Fraud: Strategies for Your Practice
Law Firm: Thompson Coburn
3:05 – 3:20 Break; Visit Exhibits
3:20 – 4:10 Session Title: Challenges &
Opportunities Posed By Artificial
Intelligence in the Practice of Law
Law Firm: Husch Blackwell
4:20 – 5:10 Session Title: Inclusive Leadership: The 6 To Do’s (Title Updated 3-28-2024)
1-Hour Elimination of Bias
Law Firm: Ogletree Deakins
5:10 - 6:30 Reception and Prizes Awarded