The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.
ACC SD and Cooley invite you to a discussion about the special issues and considerations relating to executive compensation and employee benefits that arise in the context of mergers, acquisitions and similar transformative corporate events.
Topics covered will include 2023 market trends, share reserve utilization strategies, managing varied stakeholder interests, Section 280G parachute payments and navigating compensation disclosure scenarios. (1 MCLE General credit)
9:00 a.m Panel 1: investigating and defending against allegations of harassment, discrimination, retaliation, and other improper and/or unlawful conduct in the workplace – Fisher Phillips
10:15 a.m. Panel 2:The Impact of WGA and SAG-AFTRA Strikes on Hollywood – Greenberg Glusker
The SAG-AFTRA and WGA strikes have ushered in a new era of labor relations in Hollywood. We’ll discuss what led to this impasse, the issues on the table, and how the resolutions are likely to impact production going forward.
11:30 a.m. Panel 3: Recent Settlements and Appellate Decisions on Sports and Entertainment Cases.” Signature Resolution
Please join us on the Zoom platform for our ACC-SFBA employment law consultation for 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. This event is presented by Cozen O'Connor and organized in conjunction with the Justice & Diversity Center of the Bar Association of San Francisco (JDC).
FRIDAY, DEC 01, 2023
The afternoon will consist of:
12:00pm: Lunch Delivery & Introductions
12:15 - 1:45pm: Volunteer Training (CLE #1: 1.5 hours California Credit)
1:45 - 2:00pm: Breakout Room Prep Time for Volunteers
2:00 - 2:15pm: Non-Profit Introductions
2:15 - 4:00pm: Consultations
4:00 - 4:15pm: Break
4:15 - 5:15pm: "Hard to Get" CLE Happy Hour (CLE #2: 1.0 hour California Credit)
The event starts with a virtual CLE training session entitled "Employment Law Legal Audit for Nonprofit Organizations", by Cozen O’Connor, to update ACC members on employment law in California. Next, members will be placed into small teams (with one or two other attorneys) to meet with their assigned nonprofit clients. Teams will have a couple hours to help their clients identify employment law issues and to counsel their clients. Cozen O'Connor employment attorneys will be standing by to assist with challenging questions.
All ACC members are welcome, regardless of your level of experience - you do not have to be an employment attorney to participate, and you are not required to provide pro bono services to your assigned clients after this event.
Examples of the types of non-profits these events have helped in the past include:
An organization that empowers young mothers to complete their high school and post-secondary education and nurtures their children’s development
An organization that supported low-income families during the pandemic by distributing packages of education essentials
An organization that works on behalf of low-income immigrants and refugees through advocacy, education, legal services, and other community-based services
We will close the day with the "Hard to Get" CLE Happy Hour. Cozen O'Connor will host a wine & cheese reception at your desk and offer an Elimination of Bias CLE entitled "The Supreme Court Struck Down College Race-based Student Admission Policies:
Are Employer DE&I Programs Next?".
Please join us at The Country Club in Costa Mesa on October 19th at 5:30 p.m. for an exciting workshop with Kimberly Roush, Founder of All-Star Executive Coaching and a Forbes Speaker, to discover who you are when you are BIG! BIG isn’t about ego, title, or money, it’s about who you are when you’re most resourceful in your career. BIG is when you’re thriving!
There will also be a networking and cocktail reception. This is open to all in-house counsel. Please invite your fellow in-house colleagues! This event is sponsored by the ACC SoCal Works and Membership Committees.
What’s on the Horizon for Immigration and Benefits for 2024
As many companies expand remote work opportunities for their workers, compliance with employment and immigration laws becomes more complex. In addition, the presence of workers in new jurisdictions can subject an employer to additional tax reporting and corporate registration requirements. While many benefit plans are governed by federal law, a change in residence or place of work can affect the value or availability of certain benefits. This program brings together employment, immigration and employee benefits professionals to provide practical considerations for employers who allow or are considering remote work opportunities. And, for those companies that already tackled those issues, join for additional coverage on what is in store for 2024. (1 MCLE credit)
Please join us for an evening of music, food and beverages, plus a special Q&A session featuring insights and perspectives from corporate counsel on key issues and topics of interest to both inhouse counsel and those in the financial services sector.
Join us for a CLE presentation by Corporate Partner, Christina McSparron on negotiating SAAS and other vendor agreements and networking reception by featuring mocktails by Sip Sip Mobile Bar.
ACC Oregon is pleased to invite you to a unique CLE about fraud in the UK hosted by The Greenbrier Companies, Inc. on October 12 at 12pm.
British solicitor, Arun Chauhan of boutique/specialty law firm, Tenet Compliance & Litigation (specializing in international fraud disputes and financial compliance) will be presenting an overview about international fraud where the UK is linked.
This CLE is free of charge and will be offered in person at Greenbrier's offices in Lake Oswego and online via Teams. All in-house counsel are welcome to attend regardless of membership in the ACC.
To learn more about Arun's presentation and to register, please click on the link.