Young lawyers don't know how good they have it, right? Ask a Gen X or Y lawyer about their first job and they'll likely say they had to "sink or swim", that emails didn't exist, and people still smoked in pubs; that older lawyers don't know how to use technology, they lack emotional intelligence, and are still eating red meat .... Whilst none of these sweeping generalisations are correct or fair, some of them still resonate with members of the legal profession (and did 1 or 2 remind you of anyone?!)
Coaching Advocates, founded by Claire Bibby and Lara Wentworth, has kicked off a global study into the evolving challenges lawyers face with each other and specifically those arising from generational shifts and changing workplace values. Their team of 18 lawyers turned coaches are surveying the legal market to gather deeper perspectives on how law firms and individual lawyers are adapting to these changes and the impacts they are experiencing. They're especially interested in ensuring the voice of the in-house counsel world is heard on this important topic. So to that end, Coaching Advocates has exclusively invited members of the Associated of Corporate Counsel to complete their survey (it will take 5 to 10 minutes to do) on the challenges lawyers face, from both a quantitative and qualitative perspective.
Your responses can either be anonymous or if you'd like to go into the draw to win a $250 Myer gift voucher, provide your contact details at the end of the survey and tick the question to say you're an ACC member, and you'll automatically be included in the draw.