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7 Questions with ACC Australia member, Rebecca Lacey - Legal Director, Australia & New Zealand, Pfizer Australia

7 Questions with ACC Australia member, Rebecca Lacey, Legal Director, Australia & New Zealand, Pfizer Australia

1. Tell us about your current role and journey to Legal Director at Pfizer Australia?
My journey started a decade ago when I was a secondee for Pfizer Australia. I knew straight away that I connected with Pfizer Australia’s purpose – to make a meaningful difference to the health of Australians – and was well suited to the in-house environment. I have been employed by Pfizer since 2010 and am currently Legal Director for Australia & New Zealand. 

Our legal team supports all the business units and functions across Australia & New Zealand. Pfizer has seven business units, four manufacturing sites and many supporting functions (e.g. HR and Finance). We work closely with all areas of the business and collaborate with legal specialists in other markets.

3. What are you working on now?
Anything and everything! Everything from contractual work, to litigation, to new product launches, to advice on privacy and IP.  

4. What LegalTech does your team use?
We have an intranet site for colleagues which includes templates for different types of transactions (colleagues just need to input some data) and a function that automatically creates letters of extension/variation/termination. We are considering implementing other technology that will make it easier to get things done (e.g. electronic signatures).  

5. How is your work-life balance?
I think it is important that we have enough renewal time in our busy lives so that we are fresh and alert when tackling complex issues. I like taking time out to do exercise, get outdoors and spend time with family/friends, and I ensure that I get enough sleep.
6. What are some of the factors that led you to pursue an in-house legal role?
I like being involved in projects from initiation to execution and get energised by understanding the business and its goals and drivers. I like ‘big picture’ thinking and being a trusted advisor on a broad range of topics to our business partners. 

7. What is one ACC Australia member benefit or resource that you can’t live without?
The broad range of very practical CPD events. 

8. Finish this sentence… If I wasn’t an in-house lawyer, I’d be… 
A travel writer, or any other job where you get paid to travel the world!