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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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Written by Karina Butera, Head of Programs ACC Australia

Times are changing at break-neck speed. Technology has advanced at such a rapid pace over the past few decades and is predicted to double in speed each year from here on, that there is now a whole new speaking/consulting profession going by the title of: “Futurist”. Although their purpose is to enlighten us of our probable futures, for many, their presentations only serve to scare the living daylights out of us with images of robots breastfeeding infants, virtual reality experiences with the dead and cruises on spaceships rather than ocean liners.

Are you just a little bit terrified about this – and particularly whether your career as a lawyer is future-proof? If so, you’re not alone!

That’s why I’ve searched far and wide to find an expert who is at the cutting edge of creativity and thought-leadership, but rather than scare you to death, will help you not only feel comfortable about your future security, but actually look forward to it!

I can’t believe my luck, because not only have I managed to find one, I’ve found TWO such speakers (with a lot of help from a very good talent agency – I can’t really take the credit!), AND I’ve engaged BOTH of them to be keynote speakers at our forthcoming In-House Counsel Days. In this newsletter, I’m going to tell you about the one who will be speaking to our first In-House Counsel Day in Victoria (on 4 March).

Jason Clarke has spent over 30-years at the cutting edge of creativity and thought-leadership. Commencing his career in the theatre, advertising and large-scale multimedia production, Jason moved into innovative commercial and social research in 2000, when he founded Minds at Work, a collective of autonomous thinkers and problem solvers dedicated to supporting anyone interested in making things better. He’s been on heaps of thought-leadership panels, boards and started up a stack of innovative projects – some that worked, some that bombed (I won’t bore you with the details, but trust me, this man has been a busy commercial leader over the past few decades!).

When I spoke to Jason, I drilled him for well over an hour to find out if he would be the right speaker for our ACC membership. What I loved about Jason is that he was truly curious! He asked fantastic questions – questions that demonstrate that he not only has an in-depth understanding about technology, innovation and future directions in business, but more importantly, about human motivation, emotion and how to inspire rather than scare people to move forward with confidence.

Jason truly “gets” it and has the most awesome message for in-house lawyers… a message that is truly fail proof (I’m convinced, and I’m a future-pessimist). I am so excited for the ACC members who attend the In-House Counsel Day in Melbourne on 4 March, because they are going to walk away from this key-note presentation excited about the future and how they fit within it.

There are a stack of other reasons to attend to the Vic In-House Counsel Day, but this one alone is more than enough reason to not just register yourself, but get your whole team along for an entertaining, compelling and fully executable piece of wisdom sharing!


For those of you in other Australian states, we also have In-House Counsel Days happening in Perth and Sydney. Search for them on our events page by clicking here.