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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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Latest update on the measures we are taking in the global battle with coronavirus

The rapid spread of COVID-19, both here in Australia and internationally, has dropped the health system and global economy to its proverbial knees. Staying abreast of developments is a day-by-day endeavour, and we are all adapting as best as possible at the lightning speed of change.

The ACC Australia Executive Board and global organisation are not only responding to the growing risks and government guidelines, but are also taking extra precautionary measures, and acting in advance of government directives, such as those delivered by Scott Morrison on 18 March 2020.

Our top priority is the health and well-being of our members, staff, corporate partners and their families.

As of 16 March, we have taken the following protective and supportive measures:

ACC Australia Members

All face-to-face ACC Australia events until after 1 May 2020 (with the option for further postponements) have been suspended. This, unfortunately, includes the Western Australia and New South Wales In-House Counsel Days that were, respectively, planned for 7 May and 28 May 2020. Also impacted are several planned CPD sessions, masterclasses and social events. We are working to have some of these sessions available through live webinars, while others may be made available through podcasts, on-demand videos and webcasts, which will allow members to listen and watch the content anywhere, anytime.

For those who have registered for events between now and 1st May, you will be contacted over the coming week with the next steps.

When future viability of in-person events is clearer, we will reschedule events with the focus on taking measured steps to ensure the safety of all members.

ACC Australia and Asia-Pacific Staff

On 12 March, we made arrangements for all staff to work from home as of 16 March, until 6 April (or when it is deemed safe for staff to return to work). As we have embraced flexible workplace arrangements to date, this did not require much adjustment to our normal operating procedures.

These provisions have been put in place seamlessly and have not disrupted normal business activity. We are committed to continuing to deliver quality and timely service to our members and corporate partners, and it is “business as usual” for our team.

ACC Corporate Alliance Program Partners

Our Corporate Alliance Program (CAP) partners and sponsors rely on our education events to keep them connected with our members and sharing their expertise. Our team is currently working collaboratively with our corporate partners to provide alternative avenues of education delivery, sharing of information and resources and maintaining brand awareness with our members. We are exploring a range of innovative methods of reaching members, and the association is excited about the opportunities presented.

We remain confident

While the ACC Australia Board and staff are disappointed with the need to cancel or postpone events for our members, this precautionary decision has been made in the best interests of members and the community. However, we remain positive that all challenges present with opportunity for growth and improvement. Our team will be working wisely behind the scenes during the period of lock-down to improve our systems, onboard new technology and develop adaptive strategies to continue to support our members.

We welcome feedback and suggestions on how we can better provide for the in-house legal community at

ACC Australia Online Education - CLICK HERE

The ACC Australia Executive Board has made the decision to postpone all face to face ACC Australia events until after 1 May 2020 (with the option for further postponements). This unfortunately includes a number of planned CPD sessions, masterclasses and social events. We are working to have some of these sessions available through live webinars, while others will be made available through podcasts and on-demand webcasts, this will allow you to listen and watch the content anywhere, anytime.

Resources from ACC Australia & our partners - CLICK HERE

ACC Australia and our corporate partners have put together a dedicated resource list including information on CPD points, briefing notes and employment law updates. This page is regularly updated. 

Global Resources from ACC - CLICK HERE

The Association of Corporate Counsel has created a dedicated in-house counsel resource page on dealing with the 2019-nCov Coronavirus Epidemic. Here you can view the ACC Newsstand newsletter to follow legal news on the epidemic, discuss with fellow in-house counsel in the ACC Networks' online forums or explore the resources, including ones specifically for the Australian and Asia Pacific regions.