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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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During what is a generational pandemic with far-reaching impacts across the globe; the importance of gathering and sharing past experiences, emerging ideas and new ways of thinking has never been greater. The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) Asia-Pacific Digital Meeting will provide delegates with an opportunity to reflect on the way business has changed, in legal departments, within organisations and across regions. Importantly, the event will guide participants to reflect on and consider how to prepare for and influence what will follow. 

In developing this program, we’ve gathered over 30 General Counsel & Chief Legal Officers from across the region to share their own experiences over recent months and to highlight what they anticipate will follow.  


  • As a digital event, even if you can’t join us for the full two days, all of the sessions will be recorded and will be available on-demand following the event. 
  • A feature of the event will be the virtual exhibition hall. Free for attendees and an opportunity to learn about a range of emerging legal technology solutions. 
  • Attendees will also have the opportunity to choose to attend three designated virtual networking sessions, each facilitated by invited in-house counsel. 

The extensive program will be delivered via an engaging and user-friendly online platform, providing ample opportunities for delegates to engage with both presenters and your fellow in-house delegates. For more information visit the event page or contact ACC on