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As part of the Review of Lawyers’ Practising Certificate Fees by the Victorian Legal Services Board and Commissioner (VLSBC), the Victorian government has released the Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) for consultation.

Review of lawyers’ practising certificate fees

As part of the Review of Lawyers’ Practising Certificate Fees by the Victorian Legal Services Board and Commissioner (VLSBC), the Victorian government has released the Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) for consultation.

Prepared in consultation with ACC Australia, the RIS sets out a number of options for setting new practising certificate fees for legal practitioners in Victoria. The RIS recommends a stratified fee structure as the preferred option, where fees are differentiated based on practising certificate classes. This is also ACC Australia' preferred option for in-house lawyers in Victoria.

Under this proposal, practitioner classes that create lower levels of regulatory burden (such as in-house counsel) will receive fee reductions, while those classes that carry a greater share of regulatory demands will see modest fee increases.

More information on the review, including submissions made by ACC Australia, can be found on the VLSBC website.

You can also read the most recent submission on the RIS, along with other submissions made by ACC Australia, here.


Posted 28/11/17