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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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Is your law firm or legal industry company a future ACC Colorado Chapter Sponsor?
Contact: or call 303-757-1847 x109 today! 


The 2025 ACC Colorado Sponsorship Packet is here!

Thank you to our Valued ACC Colorado 2024 Sponsors! 2024 has been a year filled with new sponsors, events, and programming along with treasured annual adventures, outings, events, and CLEs made possible by loyal, long term ACC Colorado supporters.

None of this would exist without all of these amazing sponsors! 

Platinum Sponsors


Gold Sponsors


Silver Sponsors

Family Day at the Rockies Sponsor 

Suite Sponsors:    BakerHostetler       HUSCH BLACKWELL      Sandline Global

Learn to Curl Sponsor

ACC Colorado Sponsor Diversity and Sponsorship Guidelines

ACC Colorado Program Sponsor Diversity Guidelines

The ACC Colorado Chapter is committed to engaging diverse groups of sponsors and speakers for its events to support its diversity, equity, and inclusiveness initiatives and to offer a variety of information, services, and products to its members in an equitable and welcoming environment. ACC Colorado aims for 100% of our sessions to feature women and people from underrepresented groups as speakers and panelists. In addition, our ACC Colorado membership base has consistently provided feedback that they value and desire hearing from diverse speakers and panelists, and equitable and inclusive events with a diverse slate of speakers are often better attended and higher rated by our members. We encourage our valued sponsors and program organizers to put forth candidates with these objectives in mind. Thank you for being part of these efforts to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the legal profession.

ACC Colorado 2025 Sponsorship Guidelines

We value our sponsors and are committed to a sponsorship program that exceeds the expectations of our sponsors. To run an effective program, ACC Colorado has developed the following guidelines that will govern 2025 sponsorships (“Guidelines”). ACC Colorado retains the right, in its sole discretion and without prior notice, to interpret, modify, and supplement these Guidelines. Submission of a sponsorship application signifies your agreement to comply with these Guidelines.

1. TERM. An ACC Colorado 2025 sponsorship runs for twelve months—from January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025. If the sponsor does not hold/confirm a event/date by June 1, 2025, the sponsor may make a written request to move a sponsored event to the next year. If this written request is not made, the Chapter will keep the sponsorship funds without hosting the sponsored program.

2. SPONSORSHIP APPLICATIONS AND SELECTION. Sponsorship applications must be received by ACC Colorado at the address provided on the application by November 30, 2025. Review and consideration of sponsorship applications, and selection of 2025 Sponsors, is at the sole discretion of ACC Colorado. ACC Colorado reserves the right to reject any sponsorship application for any reason and to fill or not fill any specific sponsorship opportunity slot.

3. PAYMENT OF SPONSORSHIP FEES. Payment in full of the sponsorship fee for the upcoming year must be received by January 16, 20245.ACC Colorado will promptly refund the application fee of any applicant not selected for sponsorship. If payment is made by a credit card a 4% processing fee will be added to the invoice.

4. ATTENDANCE BENEFITS FOR SPONSORS may have up to four (4) firm/company representatives attend each event that they sponsor, including speakers and marketing representatives. Sponsors are encouraged to invite in-house counsel from clients or other companies (regardless of ACC membership) to increase attendance. Guests must pay the event rate and be approved by ACC Colorado in advance.

5. EVENT PLANNING AND ATTENDANCE. ACC Colorado does not guarantee attendance numbers for any program or event. Each CLE presentation must include an in-house speaker or panelist. The sponsor for the program or event is expected to work closely with the Chapter representatives and adhere to chapter guidelines and deadlines associated with the program or event. Sponsors are responsible for the planning of their event, along with ACC Colorado. ACC Colorado will provide a timeline for each event, including deadlines to submit topics, panelists, etc. No sponsorship fees will be refunded in the event of a cancellation due to sponsor delay in submitting information.

6. MATERIALS AT AND FOLLOWING EVENT. The sponsor of a CLE event is responsible for having printed copies of the program materials available at the event for those attendees who desire to have them. ACC Colorado will distribute materials electronically following the event to all registered individuals if approved and provided by the sponsor(s). 

7. PROMOTION OF PROGRAMS AND EVENTS. All invitations to members for sponsored ACC Colorado events and programs will be distributed by ACC Colorado using ACC Colorado template forms and processes. Sponsors are encouraged to invite in-house counsel from their clients and other contacts to ACC Colorado programs and events, subject to prior attendance sell-out. Sponsors may issue their own invitations and solicitations directly to such in-house counsel or may forward the ACC Colorado invitation. However, each sponsor is required to provide ACC Colorado with a final head count of any in-house counsel it has invited no later than 7 days prior to the event.

8. EVENT REGISTRATION. All event registrations will be conducted through and by ACC Colorado unless otherwise noted. Events are offered to ACC Colorado members and other in-house counsel for a modest registration fee. All registration fees collected by ACC Colorado are the property of ACC Colorado.

9. WEBINARS. ACC Colorado has webinar platforms and will host all webinar programs using Zoom or another platform by choice of the chapter. All event registrations will be conducted through and by ACC Colorado to promote consistency of webinar format to Members. In order to protect our Members’ privacy, if a Sponsor would like to host on their platform, the following guidelines must be adhered to: 

• Sponsors need to disclose that the members are registering on the Sponsor’s registration platform and thus are subject to the Sponsor’s privacy policy. Sample language: Please note that by registering for this webinar, you are registering on [law firm’s] webinar platform and not on one hosted by ACC Colorado. Therefore, your personal information is subject to [law firm’s] privacy policy.  

• Sponsors must require that anyone who wants to receive email marketing affirmatively opt-in, or otherwise a) not send marketing to our members and b) delete the member’s email from their email marketing databases some period of time after the event.

10. EVENT COSTS. Typical costs associated with a program or event, e.g. facility charges, standard audio-visual equipment (tabletop or podium microphones and projector), food and beverage, will be paid by ACC Colorado unless specified otherwise. Sponsors may be responsible for additional charges to cover special costs associated with a program or event. For example, there may be additional costs associated with certain programs or events, such as sporting event tickets, admissions, or parking. Special AV needs beyond standard microphone and projector may be charged to the sponsor.

11. MARKETING AT EVENTS. Sponsors may make reasonable marketing materials available to event attendees. Sponsors are strictly prohibited from engaging in direct marketing and business solicitation at any event. However, Sponsors may display materials, leave “give away” items for attendees, and hold drawings that include the collection of attendee business cards. Sponsors may obtain ACC Colorado member information voluntarily provided directly to the Sponsor by the member, but Sponsors are strictly prohibited from using such information for any purpose not approved previously by the Chapter.

12. MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION. Sponsors may make available an attendance sheet, business card drawing, or other device to collect information from attendees. Any such process must clearly inform attendees: (a) that providing the information is solely within the attendee’s discretion; (b) that the requested information is being provided to the Sponsor and not ACC or the Colorado Chapter; (c) that the information will be handled pursuant to the Sponsor’s privacy policy and how the attendee may obtain or access a copy of the policy.

13. LICENSE. Sponsor grants to ACC Colorado a worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free, irrevocable and perpetual license to (a) use Sponsor’s logos (which Sponsor will send to ACC Colorado)(“Logos”) on in any way chosen by ACC Colorado including but not limited to use on ACC Colorado’s website, in ACC Colorado’s online membership directory, and in announcements, invitations and other materials marketing ACC Colorado events sponsored by Sponsor, and (b) to record, edit, copy, reproduce, publish, and distribute any materials, whether oral, written or visual, provided to ACC Colorado in connection with any event sponsored by Sponsor (collectively “Materials”). The Materials may be reproduced by any means and for any purpose by ACC Colorado or its representatives or contractors without any further permission or fee, and ACC Colorado shall have no obligation to account for any funds it receives from its members, guests, or other sponsors. In any reproduction, ACC Colorado will preserve all copyright notices and will credit the original publications by the organization/law firm and author in the following manner: “First published by [Name of author and law firm] in [year of publication].” Sponsor represents and warrants that (a) it has the full rights to make these grants, complete and unencumbered, to ACC Colorado, and (b) neither the Logos nor the Materials libel anyone or infringe or otherwise violate anyone’s statutory or common law rights, including copyrights. Sponsor will defend, indemnify, and hold harmless ACC Colorado and its members from any and all claims arising out of ACC Colorado’s use of the Logos or the Materials in accordance with the terms of this License.

14. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Sponsor agrees to release and hold harmless ACC Colorado, its agents, employees, officers, board and members from any and all direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or consequential liabilities, losses, injuries, or damages (including, without limitation, loss of business, revenue, profits, use, data, or other economic advantage or injuries, profits or goodwill), arising out of the Sponsorship, whether the liability, loss, injury or damage arises in contract, tort or otherwise and whether Sponsor has been advised of the possibility of the liability, loss, injury, or damage. Regardless of the type of claim or liability, in no event will ACC Colorado’s aggregate liability to any Sponsor, related directly or indirectly to the Sponsorship Program, exceed the sponsorship fees paid by such sponsor during the Sponsorship program year in which the claim or liability arose.

15. CONFIDENTIALITY. During the term a Party (the “Receiving Party”) may obtain access to and acquire knowledge of material, data, systems and other information concerning the operation, business plans or opportunities including business strategies, financial affairs, products, customers, employees, intellectual property rights or other aspects of the other Party (the “Disclosing Party”) that may not be known to the general public (“Confidential Information”). Confidential Information also includes (a) the terms of this Agreement and its existence, and (b) any information or materials that a Receiving Party obtains from any third party that the Disclosing Party treats as proprietary or designates as Confidential Information, whether or not owned by the Disclosing Party. Confidential Information does not include Information that the Receiving Party can document in reasonable detail to the Disclosing Party’s satisfaction: (i) is known by Receiving Party at the time of receipt from the Disclosing Party and is not subject to any other non-disclosure agreement between the parties; (ii) is now, or 14 hereafter becomes, generally known to the industry through no fault of Receiving Party or its Representatives; or (iii) is otherwise lawfully and independently developed by Receiving Party, or lawfully acquired from a third party without any obligation of confidentiality. Each party shall take all commercially reasonable measures necessary to safeguard the confidentiality of the other party’s Confidential Information. Each party will use the other party’s Confidential Information solely to fulfill the purposes of this Agreement. Neither party will disclose, in whole or in part, the other party’s Confidential Information to any person, except to such party’s employees or agents who require access to fulfill the purposes of this Agreement. If an unauthorized use or disclosure occurs, such party will take, at its expense, all steps which are necessary to recover the other party’s Confidential Information and to prevent its subsequent unauthorized use or dissemination, including availing itself of actions for seizure and injunctive relief. If such party fails to take these steps in a timely and adequate manner, the other party may take them at such party’s expense.

ACC Colorado Code of Conduct Policy and Photo Release

Please click HERE for policies and guidelines for all sponsors and members of the ACC Colorado chapter.