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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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The following is a list of the proposed nominations for 2020 Officers and candidates for at-large membership on the Board of Directors, for election at the ACC St. Louis Annual Meeting on Thursday, January 16, 2020:

The following is a list of the proposed nominations for 2020 Officers and candidates for at-large membership on the Board of Directors, for election at the ACC St. Louis Annual Meeting on Thursday, January 16, 2020:

Proposed 2020 Officers:
President:                    Brian Parsons, Macy’s, Inc.

VP/President Elect:     Sven Fickeler, Bunzl Distribution USA

Treasurer:                   Kate Krebel, DRS Technologies, Inc.

Secretary:                    Jennifer Herner, World Wide Technology, Inc.

Immed. Past Pres.:      Chrissy Teske, Commerce Bancshares, Inc.

Proposed 2020 New At-Large Directors:

  1.  Geoff Grammer, Ameren Services

Re-Elect for 2nd Term:

  1.  Erika Schenk, World Wide Technology, Inc.

Directors At-Large Continuing Their Terms:
Patricia Duft, Medtronics

John Farmer, Charter Communications, Inc.
Jennifer Feldhaus, Martiz

Paula Finlay, AT&T Services, Inc.

Beverly Garner, Bunge North America Inc.

Danielle Langaneckert, Ascension Health

Tamee Reese, AT&T Services, Inc.
Anthony “Jay” Repaso, Mastercard

Margy Weisman, ESCO Technologies

Denise Whitener, Wells Fargo Law Department

Ex-Officio Directors Continuing their Term:
Toni Douaihy, Macy’s, Inc.

Christopher Goddard, Washington University

Kate Molamphy, ICL Americas

Tyrus R. Ulmer, The Boeing Company