Womble Offices
400 Spectrum Center Drive, #1700, Irvine, CA 92618
Overview (Program Summary)
A program hosted by:
ACC Southern CaliforniaPlease join us for a panel discussing recent changes in the world of employment arbitration. Our panel of esteemed attorneys will be discussing the Supreme Court’s recent holding in Viking River Cruises, Inc. v. Moriana and how this holding will impact both employers and employees. The session will also include a discussion of AB51 – California’s ban on mandatory arbitration agreements – and how employers and employees can continue to protect their interests in this evolving climate.
Appetizers and cocktails will be served.
Kristin Walker-Probst – Partner, Womble
David Berkley – Of Counsel, Womble
Courtney Wenrick – Associate, Womble
Nikku Khalifian -Associate, Womble
Program outline:
- Introductions
- Program overview – dichotomy of employment world and changing landscape of enforcing arbitration agreements.
- Viking River – pro employer. U.S. Supreme Court case enforcing arbitration provisions in wage and hour PAGA cases
- AB 51, etc. – pro employee. Legislation supporting victims of sexual harassment/assault to prevent/limit enforcement of arbitration agreements in related cases.
- Viking River Discussion – (15-20 minutes)
- Decision U.S. Supreme Court on June 15, 2022 – quick overview
- What is PAGA
- History of law related to PAGA and arbitration enforcement
- Iskanian to Viking River
- Decision 8-1
- What it limits (all individual PAGA claims can be arbitrated; remaining “representative” PAGA claims dismissed for lack of standing)
- What it doesn’t extend to (class action arbitration waivers still unenforceable under Iskanian?)
- Application/Hypotheticals
- AB 51 etc. (15-20 minutes)
- Legislative History
- Current status
- Potential impacts
- Q & A
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