Byron's South End
101 W. Worthington Ave.
Charlotte, NC 28203
Overview (Program Summary)
A program hosted by:
ACC CharlotteMore than 80% of employers are using AI in some form of their work and employment decision-making. In May 2022, the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC) published guidance aimed to help U.S. employers navigate compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) while using AI in the workplace. The same day, the Department of Justice posted its own guidance regarding AI-related disability discrimination. Similarly, at least sixteen states have introduced bills or resolutions relating to artificial intelligence in the workplace—all at different stages of the legislative process and paving a path for others. This presentation examines potential pitfalls with the use of AI in employment decision making and guideposts employers can use to ensure that their workplace practices are consistent with federal and state law.
This presentation provides 1 hour of General CLE credit in NC.
Out of State certificates will be provided.
Kelly Hughes, Shareholder, Ogletree
Virginia Wooten, Associate, Ogletree
Meredith Hamilton, Associate, Ogletree
11:45am | Registration & Buffet Opens
12:15 - 1:15pm | CLE