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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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A Job Applicant Is Not An Employee For Compensation Purposes

By Kiran Seldon and Cassandra Frias, Seyfarth Shaw LLP

The Ninth Circuit recently concluded that job applicants are not entitled to compensation for time devoted to pre-employment drug tests because an employment relationship has not yet been formed. The Ninth Circuit held that the “control test” does not apply to job applicants, and that, under California contract law, the applicants had no contract for employment until they passed the pre-hire drug tests. Johnson v. WinCo Foods.


The Future of Hybrid Working: Full Steam Ahead or a Screeching U-turn?

By Paul Whinder and Verity Musselwhite Steel, Seyfarth Shaw LLP

As various restrictions put in place during the global coronavirus pandemic have lifted across the world, many businesses have embraced hybrid working. However, as we look to the future, are these working arrangements of the so-called “new normal” really here to stay?


Texas Pre- and Post-Dobbs Landscape

By Kelly Joan Pointer, Seyfarth Shaw LLP

As previously reported, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization held that the
authority to regulate abortion is returned to the states, permitting states to regulate
abortion within their borders. Thus, employers and administrators of plans that cover
abortion services will need to be cognizant of state restrictions on availability of abortions
and related services. Texas has been prominent in
legislating restrictions on performance of and access to abortions.


2021 State of Corporate Legal Departments

By Thomson Reuters

For most corporate law departments, 2020 will be remembered as a year where everything was turned on its head. Law department leaders had previously helped guide their departments through recessions, sales shortfalls, and restructurings, but never a global pandemic. However, the after-effects of 2020 will likely contain as many positives as negatives; and, if department leaders are smart, it should act as a catalyst for accelerating the change agenda in 2021 and beyond.


Focus on Culture and Conduct Brings New Considerations for Corporates and Investors

By Latham & Watkins LLP

The focus on culture has become more acute during the COVID-19 pandemic, as investors and consumers observe and judge companies based on their navigation of the crisis, particularly treatment of employees and wider societal stakeholders. In our view, the global regulatory direction of travel is clear. Companies and investors planning an exit must consider the impact that poor corporate culture may have on their potential to achieve an exit, in particular an IPO, and to prosper as a company in the longer term.


Progress and Prospects for Women General Counsel on Canadian Public Company Boards

By Stacy McLean, Partner; Kathleen Keilty, Partner; and Alison Jeffrey, Senior Advisor, Strategic Initiatives & Client Development Coaching at Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP

Boards increasingly recognize the value proposition of corporate directors who come from an in-house counsel background. The role of the general counsel (GC) today extends well beyond legal and requires an array of skills — notably business acumen and leadership. This Quick Overview discusses optimization of Board performance.