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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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How the Federal Government’s AI Risk Management Practices Will Set the Standard: A Closer Look at Government Action Following President Biden’s Executive Order on AI

By Rachel V. See (Seyfarth Shaw LLP)

This article discusses how President Biden's Executive Order on artificial intelligence and follow-up actions by federal agencies will impact federal risk-management practices, likely serving as a model for AI risk management by private-sector employers.

Program Materials

Building an In-house Department from Scratch: Identifying Priorities, Red Flags, & Managing Business Relationships

By Emir Crowne, General Counsel at Brock Solutions; Sherie Edwards, VP Corporate & Legal at SVMIC; Dick Mosher, retired CLO/GC/AGC from Loctronix / Ball / Maytag / Hoover, and Senior Consultant at the Vanguard Network; and Matt Nolan, Assistant General Counsel at Honeywell Sensing & Safety Technologies

View checklists on building a law department, in the materials from this presentation by in-house counsel.


Legal Departments are Embracing Workflow Automation

By Catherine J Moynihan, Senior Director, Strategic Intelligence & Advisory, Hyperion Global Partners

While low-code and no-code workflow automation technology solutions are not new, 2023 has brought a distinct shift in legal departments embracing workflow automation. Hyperion Research, an Epiq Company, undertook a benchmarking study revealing that 71% of respondents planned to invest in a workflow automation (WFA) tool in the next 12-18 months either as a first-time investment or to replace an existing WFA tool. Read more here.


Unlocking Success: The Art of Legal Operations in Building Strong, Actionable Relationships for Change Management

By Elizabeth Rancourt-Smith, Director, Legal Operations, Tilson

Legal Operations professionals know that a significant key to their success is rooted in stakeholder buy-in. Conference after conference, seminar after seminar, we speak *around* what it means to be in-house legal connected to the broader enterprise. We avoid topical change management and stakeholder engagement but never truly get to the underlying subject that takes this from influencer jargon theory to actionable tactics. We cannot all rely solely on our dynamic personalities and winning smiles to woo our coworkers: How do we turn the abstract of interpersonal influence into a real, functional relationship that benefits all involved? Read this article to find out.

Benchmarking and Research Data

The State of Collaboration in Corporate Legal Departments

By Association of Corporate Counsel

ACC and Everlaw conducted a survey of 373 in-house legal professionals in the United States to better understand the extent to which corporate legal departments are collaborating with other business units, how legal teams are collaborating with their law firms and other vendors, and how technology plays a role in enabling collaboration. The results reveal that although legal staff desire greater collaboration and there is a clear recognition of the benefits of doing so, there are impediments preventing legal teams from realizing that full potential.


What Employers Need to Know Today About Challenging the Subpoena Power of Government Agencies

By Jackson Lewis P.C.

This article examines the subpoena power of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and provides guidance for employers who receive subpoenas from these agencies. It also looks at how contractors should respond to requests for information from the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP).

Sample Forms, Policies, and Contracts

Ten Things: Creating a Good Contract Playbook

By Sterling Miller

Contract playbooks help the legal department, executive team, and sales understand which contracts are acceptable and which contracts the company will walk away from. This article walks through the process of creating a contract playbook.


Fostering Collaboration: Building Strong Relationships Between Corporate In-House Legal Departments and Outside Counsel

By Liz Lugones, COO/Senior Advisor, UpLevel Ops

In today's complex business landscape, collaboration between in-house legal departments and external counsel is crucial. Law firms are an extension of a legal team and provide substantive expertise unavailable on the team and support on high-volume, high-risk matters requiring additional expertise. Read this article for key strategies that can help corporate in-house legal departments develop robust partnerships with their external counsel.