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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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Legal Operations ACC Survey Findings

By Association of Corporate Counsel

This resource presents a series of visuals on the state of legal operations and perspective of individuals currently in a legal operations role based on ACC surveys published throughout 2023.


Bridging the Gap: How Legal Operations Can Drive Technology Adoption in Legal Departments

By Stephanie Corey, CEO/Founder, UpLevel Ops

In a world where technology is rapidly transforming every industry, legal departments face mounting pressure to keep pace. However, the journey toward integrating new technologies is fraught with challenges that can hinder progress. Legal operations professionals play a crucial role in overcoming these obstacles, guiding legal departments through the complexities of technology selection and implementation to ensure they achieve the best possible outcomes. Read here for more.


Cybersecurity Policymaking Post-Chevron

By Harley L. Geiger, Leonard L. Gordon, Ines Jordan-Zoob, and Tanvi Chopra (Venable LLP)

Learn how US cybersecurity regulation and policy may change in the wake of the US Supreme Court's 2024 decision overturning the Chevron doctrine, as well as takeaways for your organization.


Healthcare Impacts in a Post-Chevron World

By Valerie Cohen and Sophia Porotsky (Venable LLP)

Learn how US health care regulation and policy may change in the wake of the US Supreme Court's 2024 decision overturning the Chevron doctrine, as well as takeaways for your organization.


Post-Chevron Judicial Review of FERC Decisions

By Richard E. Powers, Jr., Steven A. Adducci, Gregory S. Wagner, Matthew Field, and Joseph R. Hicks (Venable LLP)

Learn how the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's policies and regulatory functions may change in the wake of the US Supreme Court's 2024 decision overturning the Chevron doctrine.


What Banks Need to Know Post-Chevron

By Max Bonici, Liz Clark Rinehart, and Elizabeth A. Sines (Venable LLP)

Learn how US banking regulations and policy may change in the wake of the US Supreme Court's 2024 decision overturning the Chevron doctrine, as well as takeaways for your organization.


What You Need to Know Today About Ethical Use of Generative AI in the Practice of Law

By John M. Nolan, General Counsel, Eric J. Felsberg, Principal, A. Scott Ruygrok, Principal, and Remick M. Stahl, Assistant General Counsel (Jackson Lewis P.C.)

Generative artificial intelligence (GAI) is just the most recent in a long line of technologies that creates questions of responsible use.

As GAI use among lawyers increases, attorneys should be prepared to understand the ethical implications when using GAI.