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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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Complying With United States Export and Sanction Laws and Regulations

By Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, LLP

This InfoPAK addresses United States laws imposing export controls and economic and trade sanctions. These laws and their implementing regulations can present unique challenges to businesses, as they are complex and often, can be counter-intuitive to the business person. Nevertheless, U.S. government enforcement agencies expect companies to know the rules governing cross-border commerce. Further, an increasing number of companies are being held accountable for violations of these laws and regulations and are receiving ever-increasing

Advocacy Filings

A Gentle Reminder That Traditional Class Action Principles Are Not Passe

By Christine Carron, Senior Partner, Ogilvy Renault

The judgment of the Supreme Court of Canada in in Bisaillon v. Concordia University is a welcome reaffirmation of two principles. The first is that the procedural remedy has not changed the substantive law. Thus, if no individual action lies, no collective action lies either. The second principle is that the class representative must have a sufficient personal interest to sustain an action. This paper will examine each of these principles in light of examples drawn from Quebec case law.


Responding to Equal Employment Opportunity Agency Charges of Discrimination

By Jackson Lewis LLP

This InfoPAK provides an overview of the administrative process and the necessary steps the employer must take to properly respond to an agency charge of discrimination. A quick and thorough response is necessary when your organization is approached by an agency investigator. This InfoPAK contains helpful strategies to minimize the impact in such cases. Accordingly, this InfoPAK contains key procedures to implement for an internal investigation and formal response to a discrimination charge, potentially preventing future, unwarranted allegations.


The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, UK Bribery Act, and Anti-Corruption Compliance

By Morrison & Foerster LLP

The purpose of this InfoPAK is to assist corporate counsel in understanding and making decisions about the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and global anti-corruption law. Included is a summary of the Act, the role of the various government agencies, enforcement trends, and a discussion of steps companies can take to mitigate risk and fulfill their obligations under the Act. <p><b>Also included is a summary of anti-corruption laws in: Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Russia, Singapore, and Thailand.</b></p>


Nine Questions For Defending Asbestos Litigation: Getting Uncle Sam On The Hook For World War II Asbestos Exposure

By Stuart Roth, Erich Rapp, Douglas Littlejohn

Mention defending an asbestos case and many in-house counsel blanch, with thoughts of company bankruptcy racing through their heads. Yet, what many counsel don't know is that their client may well be able to require the federal government to contribute to a settlement or judgment in such a case, due to the government's pre-eminent role in building World War II-era industrial facilities that contained asbestos. Learn how to overcome sovereign immunity stumbling blocks to establish government liability in today's asbestos litigation arena.


Ten Tips For Electronic Discovery: Judge Shira A. Scheindlin Speaks On Proposed Rules Changes And Surviving E-Discovery Without Sanctions

By Judge Shira A. Scheindlin, Kathleen M. Massey, Laura E. Ellsworth

The rules of civil procedure are once again being amended, this time to update them for document production in the digital age. Judge Shira A. Scheindlin talks about what the proposed changes will mean for in-house counsel. She also gives advice and her top ten tips on conducting e-discovery in the current murky shadow of Rule 26, to avoid garnering sanctions for inadvertently violating a discovery order, or worse yet charges of spoliation of evidence.


Calling the Cops: Decide Before You Dial

By Meric Craig Bloch

This article involves moving beyond the initial step of any law enforcement agency taking your company's report of criminal activity if it falls within their jurisdiction, leading to a criminal investigation and eventual prosecution.