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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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1919 Results

Resource Listings

Sample Forms, Policies, and Contracts

Sample Trade Secret Policy

By David Chambers, Senior Counsel, Smith & Nephew, and Rosaline Oskanian

In this Sample Trade Secret Policy, in-house counsel can review informative language about trade secrets and how to define them for potential new employees in the United States.


The Power of Plain Language

By Sharon Stockman, Principal, Write Results

As in-house counsel, you're corresponding with a variety of people, not just other lawyers. It's important that in-house counsel can write and communicate using non-lawyer language. Plain language isn’t about making language
boring; it's about ‘succinct writing that has a defined audience and purpose. With it the reader can easily find, understand and use the information they need’.


Legal Leadership

By Richard Dammery, Chief Legal Officer and Company Secretary, Woolworths Limited

In this personal opinion article, a former senior executive speaks about his ideas regarding leadership and what a true leader needs to learn before taking up responsibilities.


IP after Brexit: Are my IP rights still protected?

By ONC Lawyers

This article explores the complex nature of the Brexit withdrawal process and the importance for all intellectual property (IP) owners to monitor any and all updates and to take immediate action to ensure the protection of their IP rights.


The Secrets of Creating a More Influential Legal Team

By Sara Garcia

Do you want to be at the heart of decision-making in your business? Do you want to have greater autonomy over your own work and for your team? Do you want to be seen more positively within your organisation? Why increasing your influence isn't just beneficial, it's essential.


One Size Does Not Fit All: Tailoring IP Due Diligence to the Transaction

By Siegmar Pohl and Paul Haughey of Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP

Investing in, acquiring, or partnering with companies requires a due diligence investigation in which intellectual property (IP) will play a role. This article, from a primarily United States perspective, describes four levels of due diligence review, and the level of review warranted by different types of transactions. For efficiency, key questions upfront can focus the review.