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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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962 Results

Resource Listings


Copyright Fair Use (United States)

By Joseph Petersen, Partner; Harris W. Henderson, Allison Scott Roach, Jared S. Welsh, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton, LLP

This ACC Guide (InfoPak) provides an overview of the fair use doctrine under US law, and offers guidance in navigating its application.


Guide to Doing Business in Idaho, USA

By Hawley Troxell, a Lex Mundi Member

This Guide provides an overview of law important to companies doing business in Idaho, USA, including law related to corporate organization, taxation, investment, labor and employment, dispute resolution, etc.


Is the Safe Harbor Program Still Safe? (Switzerland)

By Allen & Overy

Recent developments have further increased pressure in the EU for Safe Harbor reform. There is a risk that, in the short-term, the Safe Harbor Program will be amended or even replaced by a more burdensome program. By the end of this year there will hopefully be more clarity on the future of the Safe Harbor Program. As long as the EU Commission’s and Switzerland’s adequacy decisions on Safe Harbor stand, the Safe Harbor Program remains an attractive tool for allowing data transfers from a data exporter based in the EEA or Switzerland to a US based data importer.

Multimedia and Infographics

Rights and Cash Flows Chart

By David Barnard
Lauren Fisher
William Heller
Julie Maresca

A visual aid to help determine where rights and cash need to flow when dealing with artists and agencies.