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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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Resource Listings


How the Music Industry Can Fight Back Against Generative AI

Several generative AI models now provide the ability to simulate your favorite artist’s voice and lyrical tempo to create a track that sounds indistinguishable from the real thing. Several artists have voiced their displeasure for these impersonations and music giants are now pushing streaming services to ban music created by AI models with some success. This article from Seyfarth and Shaw discusses how artists can legally fight back. 


Does Chatting with ChatGPT Unleash Trade Secret or Invention Disclosure Dilemmas?

By Seyfarth Shaw

Sharing sensitive data with ChatGPT for work, such as source code and meeting minutes, may be labeled a “data leak” due to fears that ChatGPT can disclose the data to the public once it is trained on the data. In response, many companies took action, such as banning or restricting access, or creating ChatGPT data disclosure policies. This resource from Seyfarth and Shaw discusses the implications of ChatGPT on trade secrets, disclosures, and provides key takeaways to consider with AI tools. 


Artificially Yours - Who Owns Rights in AI-Generated Art?

By Lauren Gregory Leipold

The Copyright Office recently declared that it will not grant protection over AI-generated works, upholding its longstanding rule that non-human authors cannot own copyright. At the same time, the Office is well aware that AI technology is changing everything. This Resource from Seyfarth explores some of the recent developments in AI generated art.


Regulation of AI – the Path Ahead

By Patrick Muffo

How will governments across the globe respond to this pivotal technology? And for the United States, how will our government respond? This resource from Seyfarth dives into these questions.


10 Outside Counsel Guideline Practices for Strong Operational Relationships

By Brenda Hansen, Sr. Legal Operations Consultant, Epiq Legal Business Advisory

For in-house legal departments, relationships with Outside Counsel are integral to overall management of matters and outcomes. A solid relationship creates synergy and partnership; a dysfunctional one creates frustration and typically increases costs. One of the most common tools to enhance client/firm relationships is setting effective Outside Counsel Guidelines (OCGs). Read this article written by Brenda Hansen, Sr. Legal Operations Consultant, Epiq Legal Business Advisory, for tips on drafting effective and impactful Outside Counsel Guidelines.


How the Federal Government’s AI Risk Management Practices Will Set the Standard: A Closer Look at Government Action Following President Biden’s Executive Order on AI

By Rachel V. See (Seyfarth Shaw LLP)

This article discusses how President Biden's Executive Order on artificial intelligence and follow-up actions by federal agencies will impact federal risk-management practices, likely serving as a model for AI risk management by private-sector employers.

Program Materials

Building an In-house Department from Scratch: Identifying Priorities, Red Flags, & Managing Business Relationships

By Emir Crowne, General Counsel at Brock Solutions; Sherie Edwards, VP Corporate & Legal at SVMIC; Dick Mosher, retired CLO/GC/AGC from Loctronix / Ball / Maytag / Hoover, and Senior Consultant at the Vanguard Network; and Matt Nolan, Assistant General Counsel at Honeywell Sensing & Safety Technologies

View checklists on building a law department, in the materials from this presentation by in-house counsel.


Legal Departments are Embracing Workflow Automation

By Catherine J Moynihan, Senior Director, Strategic Intelligence & Advisory, Hyperion Global Partners

While low-code and no-code workflow automation technology solutions are not new, 2023 has brought a distinct shift in legal departments embracing workflow automation. Hyperion Research, an Epiq Company, undertook a benchmarking study revealing that 71% of respondents planned to invest in a workflow automation (WFA) tool in the next 12-18 months either as a first-time investment or to replace an existing WFA tool. Read more here.