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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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1240 Results

Resource Listings

Multimedia and Infographics

Compensation & Benefits Reference Guide

By Emanuela Nespoli and Ines Reis, lus Laboris

The purpose of this comparative overview, covering 24 countries, is to provide employers with a comprehensive overview of each jurisdiction starting with the legal sources on salary and holiday pay, and includes an analysis of how income tax and social security contributions are calculated.


Outside Counsel Management- Case Study Outline

By Lee Cheng, General Counsel, Newegg, Inc.; Kenneth Grady, General Counsel and Secretary, Wolverine Worldwide, Inc.; Martin Hopkins, Partner, Eversheds; and Eileen Kett, Senior VP, General Counsel, Club Med

This resource is a supplement to the materials used in Session 102 in the 2011 ACC Annual Meeting. It covers trademark portfolio management, and core trademark services.

Benchmarking and Research Data

ACC Chief Legal Officer (CLO) 2014 Survey


To understand the driving forces behind the evolving role of the CLO and of corporate legal departments, the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) reached out to 9,600 indi- viduals. Survey results reflect data* from more than 1,200 individuals in 41 countries who serve as the organization’s chief legal officer or general counsel (referred to as the CLO in this report). From roles and responsibilities to salaries, skills and work environments, the study explored a broad range of topics.

New this year is a comparative analysis of the data from the 2013 and 2014 survey results, thereby addressing current trends facing law departments.


Social Networking Quiz

By Robert Half International

This quiz will help you identify your dominant online networking style and provide ideas for maximizing your efforts.


The Role of General Counsel and Corporate Counsel in Latin America

By Lillian Moyano Yob

This article profiles Michael Hartman, senior vice president and general counsel of DIRECTV Latin America, and his international legal team. Hartman strives to maintain a bird’s-eye view of the pan-regional operations and allows every subsidiary the leeway to function independently as specialized circumstances dictate. The legal department prides itself on being nimble and non-bureaucratic, something it accomplishes by keeping lines of communication open.

Benchmarking and Research Data

ACC In-house Trends Report

By ACC Research

Based on responses from 1,800 in-house counsel in 53 countries, the 2017 ACC In-house Trends Report covers trending topics such as the inside-outside counsel relationship, career mobility, professional development, department resource allocation, cybersecurity, professional privilege, and more.