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Um original da ACC: As 6 Habilidades Principais Para Ser Um Advogado Corporativo Eficaz (Parte 5)
Um original da ACC: As 6 Habilidades Principais Para Ser Um Advogado Corporativo Eficaz (Parte 5)
This report includes the full survey results of the 2025 ACC Chief Legal Officers Survey.
This summary of the 2024 ACC Law Department Compensation Survey provides high-level results of key in-house compensation metrics and employment trends in the in-house legal profession.
Most attorneys will face serious personal problems during their careers that could affect their professional and personal lives. State bar associations have assistance programs to help attorneys.
Keep learning with an ACC-curated selection of resources on hot topics.
A checklist for interviewers about credibility considerations for video interviews.
This checklist provides some guidance if you find an employees social media posts become an issue.
The advent of the pandemic forced companies to adopt to a digital work world in a short amount of time. Companies had to implement business solutions and train their employees and customers on new software. While the pandemic has impacted how work is done for almost two years, the digital changes to business are here to stay. Further digitalization is on the horizon for most businesses if they want to remain competitive.
When there's a new in-house counsel added to your team, or you might be the new one, you can follow these top ten suggestions to increase the probability of success in such a transition.
This template can be used to plan out the onboarding, tracking, and achievement of a new hire over a 30, 60, and 90 day period.