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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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The Secrets of Creating a More Influential Legal Team

By Sara Garcia

Do you want to be at the heart of decision-making in your business? Do you want to have greater autonomy over your own work and for your team? Do you want to be seen more positively within your organisation? Why increasing your influence isn't just beneficial, it's essential.


The Role of Personality in Choosing Outside Counsel

By Michael A. Lampert

There are countless articles outlining the best ways to evaluate outside counsel. Many of them leave out an important factor: the personalities of the lawyers and companies they represent. This article addresses the role of personality in outside counsel selection.


Working From Home

By Kelly Xiao, Employment Counsel, SPJ Lead, VMWare, Kirsty Harvison, General Counsel, Quest, Theo Kapodistrias, Lawyer, University of Tasmania, and Niti Nadarajah, Senior Counsel, Philip Morris

As we all navigate the new ‘normal’ in the post-COVID-19 world, one major adjustment has been the ‘new’ workplace, aka our homes. This article profiles four in-house counsel and shares their experiences of working from home and their tips for getting through this challenging time.


Working in Difficult Times: A Pathway to Excellence

By Serryn O'Regan, Executive Manager Governance and General Counsel, Evolve College

Faced with the COVID-19 pandemic, the resulting health, social, business and economic impacts have tested the metal of many organisations worldwide. This article explores the role of the General Counsel/Chief Legal Officer (GC/CLO) in guiding an organisation through times of crisis or turmoil.


Negotiation Skills for In-house Counsel

By John Connolly and Stan Glasser, PH.D., M.A.P.S., Senior Advisor, John Connolly and Partners

When in-house counsel think of negotiations, they generally think of a small room with professionals huddled around a table late, arguing their point. This article explains that it's more about negotiation than battling till the end.


Practical Tips when Looking for your Next Role

By Andrew Murdoch, Managing Director, Dovetail Legal Solutions

In this article, in-house counsel speak about their experiences during the current crisis, and many lay out a range of useful steps they can take if they are currently looking for work or anticipating that they may soon need to be looking for new opportunities.


More than an In-house Lawyer: Building an Executive Presence

By Theo Kapodistrias, Lawyer, University of Tasmania

For in-house counsel, executive presence is best described as creating a consistent long-lasting impression over time by the manner in which a lawyer expresses him or herself and engages others. This article will explain how to make your presence known at the executive level.