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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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344 Results

Resource Listings


Critical Factors When Conducting a Pay Equity Analysis

By Jackson Lewis P.C.

In-house counsel needs to be aware of the following when conducting a pay equity analysis: (1) establishing and protecting the analysis under attorney-client privilege; (2) what information should be shared and with whom; (3) how best to minimize risk if remediation is necessary; and (4) what federal, state, local, and international laws apply.


Steps to Consider When Reopening Your Business in the COVID-19 Era

By Jackson Lewis P.C.

Employers are faced with adopting a more agile operational structure and managerial approach ready to respond to change, both medical and governmental, at a moment’s notice. While getting back to business will look different for each of us, learn more from this checklist in order to prepare, as best you can, for your business and its own situation.


Jury Selection in 2020

By Jackson Lewis P.C.

Courtroom and trial technology are evolving at an incredible pace, providing trial attorneys with more tools and gadgets than ever before. This checklist provides information for attorneys and what they should keep the following in mind when picking a jury.


Marijuana and the Workplace

By Jackson Lewis P.C.

While marijuana is still illegal under federal law, states are increasingly legalizing the use of medical and recreational marijuana, creating a direct conflict with federal law. Most states have legalized the use of marijuana in some manner, presenting a host of practical problems and legal challenges for employers. How can employers best address the use of marijuana by applicants and employees?


What Should A Termination Agreement Contain?

By Jan Dop, LL.M.

The easiest way to terminate an employment contract is by mutual consent. The arrangements made will then be laid down in a settlement agreement. What do you have to consider with regard to such an agreement?


OSHA Investigation Checklist

By Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C., Christopher J. Meister, Lance R. Witcher

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Investigation Checklist


Checklist of Necessary or Recommended Handbook Policies

By Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C., Charles E. McDonald, III

The following is a checklist of common policies appearing in employee handbooks. Please note that the checklist is overly inclusive and that not every policy listed within should necessarily be contained in a particular employee handbook. (That being said, the checklist also does not include every possible policy that could potentially be included in an employee handbook.) Policies included in an employee handbook vary by the employer’s preferences, size, workforce, states (and municipalities) of employment, and type of industry or business.


FLSA Overtime Exemption Guide

By Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C., Charles E. McDonald, III

The following flowchart is designed as an internal guide to assist managers in making a preliminary assessment of whether a job position may qualify for exempt status under the FLSA. This document is only designed to be a tool to assist in the implementation of new job positions. This flowchart does not take applicable state law into account which may impact the exemption analysis.