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The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the world's largest organization serving the professional and business interests of attorneys who practice in the legal departments of corporations, associations, nonprofits and other private-sector organizations around the globe.

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1021 Results

Resource Listings

Program Materials

Best Practices for Vendor Management and Cybersecurity

By Mark Harrington, Debbie Hoffman, Alex Santos, Lance Wolf

This program will explore the best practices for companies that manage vendors and cybersecurity concerns. Some of the significant questions to be addressed include: What are some best practices for vendor due diligence? How can vendor cybersecurity risks be addressed and mitigated, both contractually and otherwise? What role, if any, should in-house counsel have in vendor management?

Program Materials

The In-house Counsel’s Bottom Line — Running Your Law Department Like a Business Owner

By Norman Brothers, Jr., Daniel Cohen, William Henderson, Mark Smolik

Let’s face it, “running your department like a business” is no longer a goal but an expectation of the C-suite. Whether you are fully on board or still struggling to catch up, there are a few basic principles that will help you think and manage like a business owner. This intermediate-level program will give participants proven strategies to enhance the bottom line of the legal departments they manage. Your budget conversations with the CFO will never be the same!

Program Materials

Intellectual Property Monetization

By Reid Cunningham, Robert Falk, Margo Lynn Hablutzel

Extracting value from intellectual property assets through IP monetization activities is a major objective for many organizations. This session will provide an in-depth discussion of issues to consider when assessing and valuing patent, copyright, trademark, and trade secret assets for possible commercialization. The panel will review the IP monetization programs, transactions, and structures available and provide strategies for structuring and building successful deals based on asset attributes, desired outcomes, and governing legal principles (e.g. standing, enforcement, royalty structures, and reserved rights).The panel will also include guidance for engaging key stakeholders to establish an IP strategy that supports monetization activities worldwide.

Program Materials

Business Forecast Cloudy: Cloud Risks and Recent Developments Beyond Privacy and Security

By Monica Baum, Felicity Fisher, Anna Hsia, Angela Lim, Kirsten Mellor, Barbara Walkowski

This panel will provide an update on conducting business online and in the cloud. We will discuss the enforceability of online agreements, what you have to be careful of when conducting business online, and recent case law relating to online commerce. This panel will not discuss privacy or security issues relating to e-commerce.

Program Materials

Compliance Program Fundamentals

By Robert Ambler, Mary Katherine Arthur, Stephen Epstein, John Sardar

With the US Department of Justice (DOJ) collecting record corporate fines this year, your board asks if your company’s compliance is up to par. How do you respond? How do you gauge your program? This session will analyze the DOJ’s Federal Sentencing Guidelines for the Prosecution of Business Organizations, set out your minimum requirements, and lay out best practices that you can implement. This will cover leadership, risk assessments, policy development, communications, training, establishment of controls, and monitoring and testing of controls. Presenters will offer firsthand experiences (both positive and negative) and best practices for building and maintaining your compliance program.

Program Materials

Negotiation Casting Call: Learning Advanced Negotiation Techniques by Playing Your Part

By Kim Bykov, Jason Comer, Andrew Freeman, Susan Mack, Jennifer Nelson, Elizabeth Roussel, Marian Saxena, Clarence Wilbon

Shakespeare said, "All the world's a stage;" in this session we are all players. This program will be your stage, and you will have a part in this two part drama involving both the acquisition of a business enterprise and a subsequent litigation when the parties’ expectations go awry. Here’s the plot of the drama: Through participating in a live negotiation exercise, attendees will gain insights into high-level negotiating strategies and tactics. Through engaging in a workshop, attendees will learn to create leverage in order to increase the likelihood of optimal negotiation outcomes. By viewing a mock mediation staged by the faculty members, attendees will decide where the line is between bluffing and dishonesty. When presented with an impasse, attendees will be given tools to get the negotiations back on track. With input from faculty members, attendees will get feed-back on negotiation styles and exit with pragmatic take-aways for use in future real life negotiations.

Program Materials

Binding Corporate Rules and Cross-Border Data Transfers

By Katia Bloom, Phil Lee, Peter McGoff, K Royal

In the digital age, more organizations find themselves facing the complicated world of privacy and data ownership when user data crosses the US border. This presentation will examine the major regulations governing personal data overseas, provide an issue-spotting checklist and include an overview of the Binding Corporate Rules developed by the European Union Article 29 Working Party.

Program Materials

Culture Wars: Strategies, Tactics, and Techniques for Managing Legal Operations Engagement on a Global Scale

By Diane Holt, Douglas Luftman, Santiago Rabassa, Larry Weiss

The potential clash of cultures is a pertinent issue that challenges any law department operating on a global scale. This advanced program will examine the communications and cultural challenges from the law department management perspective and present techniques and tools, which will include strategies to drive meaningful engagement and employee development; tips on leading a team with diverse views; and techniques to optimize legal operations while working in a matrixed environment.