Are you an old-story leader or a new-story leader? Find out where you stand in the spiritual awakening that is stirring in the workplace and why you should care.
A report reviewing significant wage and hour developments at both the federal and state level.
Increasingly, non-IT companies are becoming "accidental" licensors, licensing their internally built accounting, inventory, human resources, supply chain, or other software systems in order to capitalize on these developments. If your company becomes a software licensor, you may encounter many important and problematic legal issues relevant to the modification, distribution, and protection of your code. They include the permitted use of open source code in commercial applications, clean room development, government rights in software created with government funds, intellectual property protection for software, reverse-engineering, and encryption export controls. This article analyzes these questions and more through familiar hypothetical scenarios.
A study of the state of maturity among in-house legal departments across 15 legal operations functions.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a practical guide to a Q&A that gives an overview of the legal system; foreign investment, including restrictions, currency regulations and incentives; and business vehicles and their relevant restrictions and liabilities in Hong Kong.
The Digital Marketers Act published 11 May 2022 will have consequences for the EU on the following: more information on costs and metrics with digital advertising, limitations in targeting, and limitations on targeting minors and profiling based on sensitive data.
This guide provides corporate counsel and international practitioners with jurisdiction-by-jurisdiction guidance to environment and climate change laws and regulations around the world.
Issue covered include environmental policy and its enforcement, environmental permits, waste, and liabilities.
Learn cybersecurity measures businesses can consider taking in order to better safeguard their systems and data against potential cyber threats, following Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
The road to finalizing a contract can be tricky. Here are seven steps that will help you balance being a guide and strategic advisor as you negotiate the right path for your company.
Top Ten tips for developing a structured approach in order to maximize your transition time.
This primer describes the procedures for the elimination of double taxation in 25 countries.
Learn about international soft law frameworks - standards, laws, and proposed laws regarding digitization and digital tools.
"the "Getting the Deal Through" reference guide for M&A professionals"
As companies expand their activities in the European market, the time may soon come when, in order to practice, the "transnational in-house lawyer" will have no choice but to seek transnational training and licensing. Despite efforts to create a "single European legal market" for EU lawyers, licensing remains quite difficult for US attorneys. But the rewards are great. This article provides practical information on how US lawyers should proceed in order to get licensed in the EU.
This session will present an overview of significant legal and policy developments in EU competition law over the last year, the latest trends in competition litigation and what it means for you in practice.
This is a sample professional consulting services agreement.
Motor vehicles are substantial sources of pollutants that cause smog and contribute to climate change. Taking a cue from California, which has always been at the forefront of fuel regulations, this interactive session will review the current rules affecting mobile sources, particularly transportation fuels. Faculty will then examine the various business risks and opportunities presented by alternative fuels programs and advanced vehicle technology programs. How are low carbon fuel standards credits different from renewable identification numbers? Are fuel cell vehicles the same as electric vehicles? How can companies take advantage of these rules and programs?
The rise of technological innovation brings a surge of patents - and worse - patent trolls.
50/50 raffles conducted at sporting events are an easy way for organizations to raise funds for charity. Participants purchase tickets at a low, predetermined amount and the holder of the winning ticket is awarded half of the proceeds from ticket sales. The other half of the pot is awarded to a charitable organization.
This guide provides corporate counsel and international practitioners with comprehensive jurisdiction-by-jurisdiction guidance to public procurement laws and regulations around the world.
Investing in, acquiring, or partnering with companies requires a due diligence investigation in which intellectual property (IP) will play a role. This article, from a primarily United States perspective, describes four levels of due diligence review, and the level of review warranted by different types of transactions. For efficiency, key questions upfront can focus the review.
Procurement of green energy and associated certificates is at the top of the agenda for many industrials, who are particularly impacted by soaring energy costs and required to meet ambitious ESG and decarbonization goals. As a result, industrial organizations are seeking to obtain all or most of their power from renewable sources.
General counsel are expected to not only be lawyers but also leaders of a team. Legal acumen is honed through years of law firm and in-house practice, but a high-profile leadership position demands additional skills. From setting the strategic vision to building relationships and developing talent, learn what it takes to lead a law department.
Open source software is being incorporated into commercial software products at increasing rates. Despite the association of open source software with a sense of public-domain freedom, open source software is in fact licensed with a variety of restrictions. Although open source software also carries risks of patent liability, this article focuses on the unique interplay between open source software and copyright law, and suggests best practices to limit your company’s potential copyright liability.
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