Learn the Top Ten considerations in-house counsel need to know when handling sensitive Protected Health Information ("PHI") and/or Personally Identifiable Information ("PII") in a healthcare setting in the United States, including the unique set of risks associated with this handling of data.
A Checklist of best practices for public companies and their counsel to consider when the company and its employees are active in social media. This Checklist offers suggestions in dealing with the limitations and challenges that federal securities laws place on the use of social media and avoiding violations of the securities laws. This Checklist also covers social media use during sensitive disclosure periods, such as during securities offerings and proxy solicitations.
This is a checklist when considering incorporation and recognition as tax exempt.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a practical guide to a Q&A that gives an overview of the legal system; foreign investment, including restrictions, currency regulations and incentives; and business vehicles and their relevant restrictions and liabilities in India.
This article explains the nature of D&O coverage, outlines the effects of an insured's bankruptcy, and offers practical tips to help your company get the most out of its D&O policy in the event of bankruptcy, all while complying with the applicable law.
If your company operates in the area of hazardous materials, you need to have a comprehensive plan in place to deal with sudden environmental emergencies. This article describes the fundamentals of a comprehensive emergency plan that deals with environmental disasters and presents the precise steps that should be taken, on an hour-by-hour basis, to implement the plan following a disaster.
Aryeh Friedman, chief privacy officer and senior compliance counsel at Dun & Bradstreet, discusses his views on the current state of compliance, as well as how to build an effective program.
The rapid spread of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems in recent years has overlapped with the enactment of comprehensive privacy laws by U.S. states. Several of the comprehensive state privacy laws have provisions that specifically address certain uses of AI systems, in particular use in profiling.
This article surveys those provisions and assumes the reader is already familiar with basic concepts in the comprehensive privacy laws, such as controllership and applicability thresholds.
Get an overview of how to start a pro bono program in your legal department or ACC chapter through guidance and best practices; and learn of specific opportunities available to in-house pro bono programs, no matter the size of the ACC chapter or legal department.
Read a summary of key developments in California environmental law to consider in 2023.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) gives a succinct overview of merger control, regulatory framework and regulatory authorities in the Netherlands.
A detailed handbook on art collection in the Netherlands.
This inaugural report highlights the current key trends and themes in the global data centre industry and provides an outlook for the data centre market in 2014.
Learn about how the Human Resources function can help to measure their organization's performance regarding the Social dimension of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG).
Doing Business in Digital Era - session held in Sydney 1 December 2016.
Doing Business in a Digital Era: where is the law up to? - presentation held in Canberra 16 June 2017.
This article highlights the redefinition of general counsels’ role – from their contribution at the top table to their place at the heart of business operations.
This article highlights the redefinition of general counsels’ role – from their contribution at the top table to their place at the heart of business operations.
"the "Getting the Deal Through" reference guide for M&A professionals"
Completing a successful Chinese M&A transaction can be trickier than new math. There are tons of legal hurdles to clear: government approval, anti-trust clearance, transferring real estate, trademarks and patents and repatriating profit, to name a few. Trying to tackle the transaction without a game plan is a sure set-up for defeat - but this article outlines an experienced attorney's firsthand knowledge to make the process less cumbersome.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) gives a succinct overview of merger control, regulatory framework and regulatory authorities in China.
The best reason to get involved in the international legal affairs at your company is to impress your friends. Learn the essential information needed for your new secret identity as Austin Power of Attorney: International In-house Counsel of Mystery.
This booklet sets forth business conduct guidelines that specify the legally correct and ethical conduct expected of employees in a variety of identified business situations.
We know businesses can’t do it all. But when using vendors to meet your commercial or client needs, make sure you’re aware of the risks at all stages.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a practical guide to joint ventures, including practice notes and standard documents for cross-border deals with detailed drafting notes highlighting the main legal, commercial and negotiating issues in Singapore.
As in-house counsel, your clients expect excellence in lawsuit process management — simply handing the reins to outside counsel won’t impress them. Instead of focusing on traditional legal strategies, expand your view to include a broad range of business concepts, processes and skills to optimally manage litigation. Learn how to work across different levels and functions to improve litigation results and the business as a whole.
Blockchain technology can be an innovative tool for processing personal data — as long as it’s being used in a manner compliant with the EU General Data Protection Regulation.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a high-level overview and practical analysis for public procurement issues and procedures in France.
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