This is a sample external communications and social media policy.
Learn about cutting-edge developments in compliance training (apps, multimedia, etc.) that can elevate your compliance program to the next level. Discover how your organization can leverage social media to bolster its compliance program. Squarely address “tone at the middle” and learn best practices for ensuring that middle managers – your first line of defense – are especially prepared to serve as good compliance stewards. Worried about whistleblowers? Examine techniques that foster communications within your organization, to help ensure that employee concerns are raised internally.
This article provides an insight on differential voting rights (DVR) and India’s regulatory framework for the issuance of shares carrying DVRs (DVR Shares).
This checklist features 15 items in-house counsel should consider when drafting restrictive covenants.
A 42-page guide by Dentons regarding the AI journey - opening eyes to opportunity and risk.
This article contains issues related to using social media in hiring that in-house counsel should consider.
Learn about where Hong Kong stands on privacy protections on digital content.
For years, the legal world has shied away from diversity, falling behind the inclusion rates of other professions. By implementing newly created disclosure techniques, leaders in corporate America can take advantage of the untapped potential in the room and drive change from top to bottom.
Hear from founders and current leaders on why ACCA was founded, what we've accomplished, and the new challenges yet to tackle.
This panel will discuss what goes into planning and managing significant litigation that has the potential to be successful or ruinous to your company, with no middle ground. Topics will include informing your board of directors, setting strategy, managing the public relations aspects of such a case and how the amounts at stake impact settlement strategies (e.g., whether to hire jury consultants).
An update regarding sanctions taken against Russia by the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union, and Switzerland, and countermeasures taken by Russia.
How can businesses ensure they are in compliance with the new and expansive California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)? Find out more about how to get your business compliant with CCPA.
"the "Getting the Deal Through" reference guide for M&A professionals"
Unclaimed property examinations and new types of regulatory inquiries will pose major challenges for US companies in 2024.
This article discusses litigation, enforcement, and regulatory trends related to unclaimed property.
For items containing electronic parts there has been a rise in counterfeits. Recent regulations promulgated by the Department of Defense (DOD) address how to avoid procurement of counterfeits. Read this article if your company is a manufacturer or distributor of electronic parts.
Climate change is upon us, and in-house counsel are struggling to mitigate risk in a warmer world. As the society-at-large moves toward a low carbon economy, companies are increasingly looking to the legal department to assess and disclose its environmental impact. The future of sustainability is here, are you ready for what’s next?
Read this 2010 Communicator Award-winning article!
The deposition of corporate counsel isn't the isolated incident that it once was. In fact, it has become somewhat business as usual in the legal arena. It seems that the more you know and are entrusted, the more likely you are to become a deposition target. Get prepared - opposing counsel may be coming for you and your information.
This article discusses data privacy and cybersecurity trends for 2024, including AI regulations, cybersecurity audits, and genetic and health data protection.
Public market, friendly M&A transactions in the United Kingdom can throw some surprises at non-UK attorneys. Learn about issues that are vital for making the deal go smoothly and for ensuring that you and your company are not caught out.
Five thousand in-house counsel from 73 countries told the Association of Corporate Counsel what they thought about job satisfaction and career mobility in the recently published 2015 Global Census Report. As a member of the Brazilian corporate lawyers community for five years and an ACC member, I encouraged my compatriots to participate in the census.
Pixels, cookies, and trackers continue to be front of mind for HIPAA regulated entities seeking clarity on their ability to advertise, market, and engage with existing and prospective patients. On March 18, 2024, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued updated guidance on the topic.
On May 19, 2022, the US Department of Justice (“DOJ”) announced significant clarifications to its policy on charging Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (“CFAA”) violations that give some comfort to cyber security consultants who engage in network testing and related operations. Such activity has long been a gray area for “white hat” hackers.
Read about the heightened United States scrutiny over government agencies' transfer of imported personal data as reflected in President Biden's October 7, 2022 Executive Order on Enhancing Safeguards for US Signals Intelligence Activities.
In today’s streamlined market, negotiating contracts is increasingly viewed as a superfluous step in the transactions between buyers and sellers. If one party’s expectations fall short, both may find themselves demanding court-supplied justice. Learn the fundamentals of sales negotiations on both sides of the deal.
Corporations often use media to enhance their employees’ environment. Music can soothe or energize the listener, while movies can educate or inspire the viewer. However, no amount of relaxation or inspiration will protect you from being sued for copyright infringement. Learn when to license a performance or be prepared to face the music.
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