This article highlights the redefinition of general counsels’ role – from their contribution at the top table to their place at the heart of business operations.
This article highlights the redefinition of general counsels’ role – from their contribution at the top table to their place at the heart of business operations.
In many ways, when it comes to ecommerce, we as in-house lawyers are like first-time parents with infant clients. Although we and our children/clients are equally struggling with dramatic changes, the task of making the world safe for our little pumpkins falls to us.
This article focuses on Public M&A, in which Target is a public reporting company under the Exchange Act.
This article reviews the broad amendments to Canada’s Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act (CFPOA). Amendments include a new “books and records” offence that effectively brings Canada’s anti-corruption regime more closely in line with the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and will make prosecutions much easier for enforcement officials.
In this presentation the panel discusses threats and opportunities arising from the new trademark law in China, as well as how to use trade laws as a defensive mechanism.
Union membership in the American workforce has dropped dramatically since the post-Depression era peak in 1945. But the potential passage of the Employee Free Choice Act may expose a new generation of laborers to the union influence — including yours.
This holding considerably relaxes the requirements for listed stock corporations downgrading their listing from the regulated market segment to the unregulated market segment or completely delisting from a stock exchange. This new delisting regime will, in particular, be relevant for companies seeking cost savings in restructuring scenarios as well as for companies with a small free float.
Learn about Dubai's new regulation of virtual assets, Law No. 4 of 2022 on the Regulation of Virtual Assets in the Emirate of Dubai (the “RVA”).
Learn about the developments around the EU-US Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework announced March 2022.
The program will introduce a new (and fictitious) federal law that requires officers of corporations to certify, under individual criminal penalty, that all independent contractors are properly classified under federal, state and foreign law, and that all employees are properly classified for FLSA purposes, and parallel state and foreign laws. Work in small groups to do the following: Develop the outline of how they would go about assessing the legal risk to their organization based on existing practices; Develop a strategy for assessing additional resources needed to bring the organization into compliance, budget development, and management involvement; Develop a strategy for internal communications regarding the new requirements and methods for auditing compliance; Assess other needs associated with the operational impact of the law, including, but not limited to, possible organizational restructuring; and Create metrics, controls, and monitoring procedures for measuring the effectiveness of their compliance program.
The new regulatory framework for defined contribution pension arrangements is now live. It applies to all trust-based schemes providing DC-type benefits, whether wholly DC, elements such as AVCs in a defined benefit scheme or DC benefits with a DB underpin. The Regulator expects trustees to assess their schemes against its quality features and will monitor compliance. The following article provides an overview of the framework.
As the East continues to seduce business, more in-house counsel will be asked to manage legal services in China. Your new legal team will adhere to and be motivated by different cultural norms, which you as their leader should know. Learn basic cultural concepts relevant to all facets of life — including business — in China.
Many law departments now have preferred provider programs (PPPs) in place and many are working to establish them, but how can they take these PPPs to the next level? This session will discuss best practices in establishing and upgrading PPPs, including practical guidelines for changing the dynamic of your PPP from consolidation to practice area-driven needs. The panel’s discussion will cover PPPs for both outside counsel and vendors such as e-discovery providers.
The changes which are to be ushered in by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2018 are substantial and ambitious. This guide seeks to summarise the key changes that the new law will bring and to highlight the most important actions which organisations should take in preparing to comply with it.
Learn about New Zealand's Personal Data Protection Law, ratified in October 2022.
This multi-PAK provides a high level overview of merger control, restrictive agreements and practices, monopolies and abuse of market power, and joint ventures in various jurisdictions. In particular, it covers relevant triggering events and thresholds, notification requirements, procedures and timetables, third party claims, exclusions and exemptions, penalties for breach, and proposals for reform.
New data privacy regulations in the European Union and in the United States are set to have an extensive impact on the legal and regulatory landscape affecting in-house practice. As such, it is imperative that your company is prepared for the regulatory changes.
The market for pharmaceutical products and medical devices in Brazil is definitely taking off. The Brazilian Public Health System (SUS) is continually increasing pharmaceutical assistance, as new drugs become available, as a result of the development of new public health policies. Read this chapter on Brazil to learn more.
Discover how to handle alcohol-related issues that every company must address, from meetings and social events to HR issues. What is the three-tier system and how does it work, including restrictions on marketing practices, licensing, etc.? What is the regulatory framework (state and federal) for becoming part of the industry and/or having an event where alcohol is served? What is the liability of businesses that host events where alcohol is served to the public or to employees (i.e. driving while intoxicated, personal injury, etc.)? Speakers will discuss workplace drug and alcohol programs and policies and provide sample materials.
SPACs (“Special Purpose Acquisition Companies”) burst into mainstream popularity in 2020 as a financing alternative to traditional Initial Public Offerings (“IPOs”) and private placements after years of on-again-off-again vogue. While SPACs are not for every business financing need, they have largely shed an earlier sometimes negative reputation and emerged as a mainstream alternative in the palette of financing options. This article discusses SPACs and “Deal Points” on important considerations in the SPAC IPO and business combination process and what at all costs not to do.
As hosting and participating in social media become the industry standard, companies must incorporate platforms and develop policies to safeguard rights and privacy. If this brave new world seems somewhat alien, implement these guidelines to navigate your company safely through the obstacles everyone’s worried about.
In the course of reforms to Russian civil legislation, recently, significant amendments to pledge regulations were made. The Federal Law "On Pledges" was repealed and pledges are now regulated only by the Civil Code and the Federal Law "On Mortgages". This article will be a brief overview of the top 10 changes in Russian pledge regulations.
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