Because financial industry databases are goldmines for hackers, the financial sector faces greater threats and higher regulatory demands and consequences than other industries. This interactive session will equip in-house counsel with the practical guidance and tools they need to respond when the inevitable happens. Attendees will work through a breach scenario and walk away from the program with a step-by-step outline of what to do when the data breach occurs (i.e., who to notify, remedial steps to take, etc.). Discuss best practices for information sharing, notification protocols and responding to the media. Explore the questions that should be considered before notifying the board and notifying the appropriate government agencies.
The chaos of a merger or acquisition demands decisive action, even after it seems completed. Try these preemptive strategies.
Law departments handle a diverse scope of legal issues. With limited resources, how can a legal department access the information it needs when it needs it without reinventing the wheel every time? The speakers will discuss how they organize information to make it readily available to their teams, using such tools and processes as wikis, company sharefiles, keywords, automatic electronic reminders, cloud services, instruction manuals, and checklists. They will also explore best practices on strategies for implementation and continuous improvement in the use of processes and technologies.
Add value to your own efforts to improve the contracting process in your company by conducting realistic and practical training programs. Try these handy tips.
Review this checklist and learn key sanctions and export controls red flags. This informative guidance is based on the European Commission Recommendation (EU) 2019/1318 of 30 July 2019 on internal compliance programmes for dual-use trade controls under Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009.
This QuickCounsel intends to clarify the process of creation of a localor foreign legal entity in Brazil.
This guide provides a straightforward overview of the law and practice which applies in a wide-ranging number of jurisdictions where CMS are able to provide legal advice. This guide provides an answer to each of the 20 questions for each jurisdiction.<br />
This intensive discussion will focus on related-party transactions entered into by a hypothetical multinational company and how you can recognize transfer pricing issues that arise from transactions involving goods, services and IP. Learn how to resolve common transfer pricing problems that arise before and after an IRS examination.
The human resources ("HR") audit is a valuable tool in the in-house counsels risk management toolbox. It can help you to identify and correct weaknesses in HR practices and processes before someone mishandles or overlooks an employment situation, possibly giving rise to litigation. This article gives you practical pointers on how to launch an HR audit, specifically, how to make the business case to your company decision makers, how to select the people who will perform the audit, how to make the audit thorough and meaningful, and how to make effective use of what the audit reveals.
The cloud should be about more than making your legal department run smoothly. Today’s technology can bring acceptable levels of risk if the solution promotes business transparency and collaboration with global suppliers.
ACC Comment Letter re: Florida Trust Accout Compliance
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) provides a high-level overview of privacy rules and principles in the United Arab Emirates.
Employees are the front line of your information security defense. While technological protections are essential (for example, antivirus software, firewalls, spam filters, etc.), none are as effective as a vigilant end user. These are checklists of measures of which every user should be aware.
This Leading Practices Profile, an update to ACC’s 2010 piece, features law department leading practices for generating and demonstrating value through a number of value levers, as well as best practices for improving the bottom line and enhancing collation across business units. In wake of the economic downturn in the last decade and the increased pressure to “do more with less,” six participating corporations share their best value-sustaining practices in law department staffing, targeted practice areas, outside counsel management, strategic planning and the use of metrics to measure and track best practices.
This panel will focus on the first ninety days in-house as a model for
setting and achieving goals and measuring success that is applicable to
in-house counsel at any stage. Experts will address increasing
production in the counsel's office, managing outside projects, improving
value and reducing costs, engaging with client business groups to
identify important issues and benchmarking successes for those outside
the counsel's office.
In this article, learn more about the state of the legal profession in the Asia-Pacific region during 2016.
The job of in-house counsels have become more global and fluid, but ethics laws — on privilege, right to practice, and even technology — often still read like they come from dusty books left over from the 19th century. Focusing, in part, on the recent work of the American Bar Association's Ethics 20/20 Commission, this panel will discuss what in-house counsel need ethics rules to address, to allow them to practice law in ways that are as fluid, global, and technologically savvy as their companies.
You may be an accomplished orator, litigator or debater. In front of a captive audience of children, however, even the savviest speaker can feel pressure. This "Take Our Sons / Daughters to Work Day" veteran has outlined a tested - and - true formula for sure success.
Some would argue that finding the right people is paramount to outlining strategies and tactics. When running a legal department, however, perhaps that order should be reversed: First, what ... then who. With discipline and commitment, legal departments can achieve significant cost savings and operational efficiencies by implementing this approach.
Learn the ins and outs of strategic planning and effective metrics development that will help you demonstrate your department’s successes; and Show your boss how you add value to the company’s bottom line and contribute to the mission and strategic goals of your organization.
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