As companies seek to unlock value from their strong brands by expanding into new geographies or product markets, these moves can be fraught with significant legal risks. Panelists will discuss the Kraft Foods Group Brands v. Cracker Barrel Old Country Store case, in which Cracker Barrel was preliminarily enjoined from expanding the reach of its brand to new product categories. Learn different techniques to safely accomplish brand expansion, including developing effective licensing, co-branding and merchandising programs that enhance brand equity, updating trademark clearance procedures, employing innovative trademark application procedures, creating international brand expansion policies and implementing trademark portfolio management strategies to establish an advantage in the global marketplace. Discover how your company can leverage its brands’ existing value while protecting itself from missteps that can shrink profitability, dilute brand value and erode hard-earned competitive advantage.
This Money Laundering training course will (1) help you to detect money laundering, (2) examine the laws that make money laundering a crime, and (3) inform you of reporting requirements and prevention measures designed to thwart this crime. (Licensed for use in classroom settings only and not for distribution in any form.)
Proposed and potentially recommended changes to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure relate to refining the scope of discovery in the digital age and the consequences for a party’s failure to preserve evidence. The Civil Rules Advisory Committee is considering implementing a requirement that the scope of permissible discovery be proportional to the litigation at issue, paring down the presumptive number of discovery requests, fostering more cooperation between the parties and court involvement in managing litigation and providing safeguards for parties against sanctions for the failure to preserve discoverable information when the failure was not willful or in bad faith. Learn about these changes and how they can affect your discovery efforts.
Top ten issues and developments in-house counsel should consider when reviewing their potential Foreign Corrupt Practices Act ("FCPA") liability.
This article explores how increased opportunities and regulation surrounding data has impacted Hong Kong businesses. This resource was produced in March 2019.
A brief review of Brazil's recent Antitrust law.
This report provides valuable insights into legal department operations, offering key benchmarks for assessing performance in critical areas based on responses from 421 legal departments.
The Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) Authority has recently issue new company regulations. These new regulations provide more clarity and flexibility for businesses wishing to conduct business in and from the DMCC.
Law is the original outsourced function. Yet the question of what gets in-sourced and what gets outsourced has really never been systematically addressed. Rather than focusing on meaningful measures of law firm productivity and efficiency, law departments have emphasized scrutinizing the bill. Five key questions can help your department get service that is more attuned to your company's competitive environment.
This is an index of program materials for the session.
Are you an old-story leader or a new-story leader? Find out where you stand in the spiritual awakening that is stirring in the workplace and why you should care.
In today’s streamlined market, negotiating contracts is increasingly viewed as a superfluous step in the transactions between buyers and sellers. If one party’s expectations fall short, both may find themselves demanding court-supplied justice. Learn the fundamentals of sales negotiations on both sides of the deal.
Today, more than ever, corporate law departments are focusing on the notion of what constitutes “value” and how to enhance it to support their organizations. Not surprisingly, law firms are also increasingly focused on creating “value” for their clients as well. While both say “value” is their prime objective, the definitions differ.
Corporations often use media to enhance their employees’ environment. Music can soothe or energize the listener, while movies can educate or inspire the viewer. However, no amount of relaxation or inspiration will protect you from being sued for copyright infringement. Learn when to license a performance or be prepared to face the music.
This article discusses some of the key issues nonprofit organizations encounter with copyrights.
This article discusses the increase in the use of put and call options in M&A transactions, as a mechanism to address challenges to valuation.
Learn how to establish a "Made in USA" compliance program and avoid liability.
This article discusses some of the most common issues and pitfalls to keep in mind before, during and after entering into an endorsement relationship with an athlete or other celebrity in the United States.
Hurdles await any company seeking to expand its footprint outside of currently-known geographic territories. Explore key potential pitfalls and means to navigate your way to success by leveraging a global mindset at all phases of your next multinational contract negotiation.
Learn about cutting-edge developments in compliance training (apps, multimedia, etc.) that can elevate your compliance program to the next level. Discover how your organization can leverage social media to bolster its compliance program. Squarely address “tone at the middle” and learn best practices for ensuring that middle managers – your first line of defense – are especially prepared to serve as good compliance stewards. Worried about whistleblowers? Examine techniques that foster communications within your organization, to help ensure that employee concerns are raised internally.
In this resource, learn practical tips and tricks about how contracts are structured and a strategy for effective contract reviews.
This panel will discuss what goes into planning and managing significant litigation that has the potential to be successful or ruinous to your company, with no middle ground. Topics will include informing your board of directors, setting strategy, managing the public relations aspects of such a case and how the amounts at stake impact settlement strategies (e.g., whether to hire jury consultants).
This Wisdom of the Crowd (ACC members' discussion), provides insight from ACC members regarding contract management systems. Topics discussed include choosing the right product for your law department/company and, building your own system. The resource compiles responses posted on the forums of several ACC Networks: IT, Privacy & eCommerce, New to In-house, and Small Law Departments.
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