Learn about China's amended provisions on Foreign-invested Telecom Enterprises (FITE), effective May 2022, and resulting new opportunities.
Learn about January 2022 developments relating to the marketing of cryptocurrencies in the United Kingdom.
In general the M&A transactions are structured with two different events. The first is the execution of the agreement which defines the rights and obligations of the parties and set forth corporate event to be performed (sale of shares, merger, spin-off etc.). The second is the closing when the transactions are concluded and it happens after certain conditions precedent are fulfilled.
Selected cases and materials related to arbitration.
This article focuses on the second of the three principal types of transaction structures used in mergers and acquisitions (M&A), an Asset Purchase, and discusses specific issues and attributes of Asset Purchase deals, and in section III, reviews the common elements of Asset Purchase Agreements, the main transaction document used to put an Asset Purchase deal together. Following the discussion are “Deal Points” on important considerations in the purchase or sale of a business: what to do, and what at all costs not to do.
This is a template enterprise license agreement.
Brief review of the law related to endowments in Brazil. Includes guidance on adjusting an organization's bylaws to incorporate the endowment.
After the Great Recession of 2008 and 2009, Mexico has emerged as one of the most attractive places to invest in manufacturing.
This article helps attorneys understand that with the increase of globalization, he must be prepared to handle (or refer) international issues that arise.
This guide covers common issues in public investment funds – including registration, regulatory framework, marketing of public funds, and tax treatment – in 19 jurisdictions.
This is a checklist used by panelists during this session.
It’s not how you negotiate, but how you reduce negotiations. This program will cover the major issues in technology contracts and practical advice on what you can negotiate with the giants of the IT world. Learn how to work with large and small vendors in collaborating and negotiating common terms that are applicable throughout the industry.
As in-house counsel, your clients expect excellence in lawsuit process management — simply handing the reins to outside counsel won’t impress them. Instead of focusing on traditional legal strategies, expand your view to include a broad range of business concepts, processes and skills to optimally manage litigation. Learn how to work across different levels and functions to improve litigation results and the business as a whole.
You give your sales manager daily updates but still hear that the contract you are negotiating with a customer is “stuck in legal.” You work incredibly hard but don’t seem to be getting results. The successful in-house lawyer knows how to meet his or her clients more than halfway. Knowing the right way and right time to reach out to, work with, and serve your business clients will drive your effectiveness, enjoyment and success as an in-house lawyer. This program for new and experienced in-house counsel will teach you how to move beyond pure legal analysis and into the advanced do’s and don’t’s of in-house practice: knowing your business and its goals, using advanced communication skills and picking your battles. The tips, tools and techniques presented will allow you to align with your business leaders while ensuring you hew to your core mission with integrity.
Learn about changes to Iowa privacy law, effective January 1, 2025, to protect consumer data.
Includes a checklist with seven main points to remember when tailoring your arbitration agreement. Also includes sample ADR contract language.
This InfoPAK (now known as ACC Guides) gives a succinct overview of restraints of trade, monopolies and abuses of market power in India.
The expansion of global trade has been met with an increase in security concerns and aggressive enforcement of export-control laws. Learn the risks associated with the acquisition of an exporting company and how to get prepared if you are a seller or a buyer.
Faced with new adopters of technology — or perhaps “never adopters”? Technology is rapidly evolving, and in the healthcare world, companies constantly encounter dilemmas when faced with the business need to implement new technologies in harmony with archaic legal standards. This session will address numerous technology issues, including those with medical devices, software as a device, mobile applications, risks, benefits, and the global element. Come learn the legal risks and benefits around emerging technology (such as mobile health) and how to best partner with your IT and business colleagues without betting the company.
This QuickCounsel intends to clarify the process of creation of a localor foreign legal entity in Brazil.
Brazil is among the ten largest economies in the world, and it represents one of the largest domestic markets in the world. This article aims at showing the main considerations one should have when planning to invest in Brazil.
Guidance on transferring management/ownership of a company in Canada. Includes guidance on keeping business in the family or selling to an outsider.
This material covers the various roles in-house counsel may be called upon to play during a corporate crisis.
Dr. George Beaton, leading researcher and independent authority on professional services industries and their firms says in-house counsel are the main driver of change in the legal services market, yet they are not exercising the full force of their power over suppliers.
This article explores the takeaways from a UK case, which highlights the risks of bidding on a competitor’s trade name(s) (and/or variants thereof) that is/are confusingly similar to the bidder’s own trade name(s) as Internet search keywords.
This article highlights the redefinition of general counsels’ role – from their contribution at the top table to their place at the heart of business operations.
This article highlights the redefinition of general counsels’ role – from their contribution at the top table to their place at the heart of business operations.
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