Everyone should have a plan for when they pass away and that includes your digital assets. Read through this guide to gain tips and know-how for your next steps.
This check card is a printable resource with practical advice for the dos and don'ts of The Canadian Competition Act.
Privacy on the Go recommends a “surprise minimization” approach. This approach means supplementing the general privacy policy with enhanced measures to alert users and give them control over data practices that are not related to an app’s basic functionality or that involve sensitive information.
Planning the integration of an acquired company’s legal department into an acquiring company’s legal department can be a grueling process. Based on past M&A experiences, here are 200 practical issues that ensure a smooth transition when considered and addressed prior to the closing of the acquisition.
In this publication, the details and secrets of excellent record retention programs are unlocked. Learn how to update traditional methods to better fit your modern workplace. Find a starting point, execute an effective and compliant schedule and evolve with new regulations.
This is a template enterprise license agreement.
This outline describes the advantages and disadvantages of using ADR and its applicability to
trademark and unfair competition disputes. The characteristics of the most common methods
of ADR are listed, and settlement techniques are suggested. For court mandated ADR
procedures, the Local Rules in the United States District Court for the Northern District of
Ohio are used as a model, where applicable.
This issue of Canadian Briefings includes: Canadian Government Clarifies its Position on the Investment Canada Act by Dany Assaf, Jason McKenzie and Sarah McLean; International practice Almanac: British Columbia Canada Professional Regulation; Protocol Signed Amending the Canada-US Tax Treaty by Adrienne Oliver; Canada Shines Spotlight on World Stage by Carolyn Boyle; Canada Reconsiders Its Foreign Investment Policy by Terence Dobbin
This article provides practical antitrust compliance tools for SMEs and larger companies.
Okay – you're ready to get started in establishing value-driven practices in your department/law firm relationships. Need some ideas? We'll deliver a menu of 50+ practices that you can consider to get started. Of course, every department and firm is different and every client defines value through their own experience and perspective: that's why we've got a little bit of everything for you to consider (surely SOMETHING fits!) and a list of 5 "universal" favorite practices that every department and firm should consider to help make their relationships more valuable, sustainable, and profitable all around. Sharpen your pencils and prepare to innovate!
This ACC guide provides a Q&A that gives a high level overview of board composition, the comply or explain approach, management rules and authority, directors' duties and liabilities, transactions with directors and conflicts, company meetings, internal controls, accounts and audit, institutional investors and reform proposals in the United Kingdom.
This program will use humor, and chocolate, to provide an overview of equipment leasing from an accounting, tax and legal perspective and the ramifications thereof. There will also be a section discussing practical points (i.e., what to look for) when reviewing an equipment lease. Leave this session on a chocolate high with practical tips to negotiate into your next equipment lease.
This report shares leading practices for legal departments on how to engage their outside counsel most effectively with respect to setting DEI standards.
Within the United States, physical markers like road signs and flags often distinguish state borders. Still, the less obvious dividing lines that separate states have the deepest impact. Legal landscapes vary widely from state to state, particularly in the employment context. For employers who manage a multistate workforce, staying compliant with all applicable laws can be a challenge. Read this article for an overview of the laws related to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) employees, marijuana use and firearm possession.
Much of the discussion around litigation is focused on companies involved in numerous lawsuits, but the reality is most organizations face few lawsuits of any significance each year. While the litigation landscape has changed in the past few years, what – if anything – should these low-litigation companies do to prepare? Many inside counsel believe they should probably be doing something, but how much preparedness do we really need, and how do we balance this with restrictive budgets? This panel of inside counsel from companies that historically have not had much litigation will address the extent the current litigation landscape in 2010 impacts their planning, what types of activities they are doing to prepare, traps low-litigation companies in particular face, as well as how they developed a business case for senior management for undertaking the readiness activities they pursued.
The purpose of this Policy is to establish standards and expectations regarding any company-related use of Social Media.
In this multi-country guide, learn about the rules regarding whistleblower protection and reporting channels in a wide range of jurisdictions.
This article is a summary of major copyright developments between December 2014 and March 2015.
Because every business has employees, buy-sell agreements involve employees. This article provides a practical guide to the necessary, and not-so obvious, labor and employment issues that should be on in-house counsel’s “radar screen” when conducting merger and acquisition due diligence.
This article explains the nature of D&O coverage, outlines the effects of an insured's bankruptcy, and offers practical tips to help your company get the most out of its D&O policy in the event of bankruptcy, all while complying with the applicable law.
This multi-jurisdictional guide covers rules and developments regarding data protection across a range of jurisdictions.
Tools & Solutions for Doing Your Job Better
This article, the first in a series that will examine and profile-through the eyes of in-house counsel-companies' "best practices," highlighting ideas that you can borrow while implementing your own compliance plan concerning corporate governance.
This brief resource (Top Ten) outlines the top considerations for existing ASTM standards for environmental due diligence, their intersection with the law and the advent of new standards.
The job of in-house counsels have become more global and fluid, but ethics laws — on privilege, right to practice, and even technology — often still read like they come from dusty books left over from the 19th century. Focusing, in part, on the recent work of the American Bar Association's Ethics 20/20 Commission, this panel will discuss what in-house counsel need ethics rules to address, to allow them to practice law in ways that are as fluid, global, and technologically savvy as their companies.
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