This is a sample external communications and social media policy.
This is a sample group sales agreement between a hotel and organization.
An introduction to software licensing for those new as in-house counsel. Includes product performance, product development as well as open sources issues.
Data breaches happen to companies across the globe. In this article, in-house counsel can learn how to plot a successful plan that will protect their company's data. Each section of this article is dedicated to a specific country or region including Hong Kong, China, Europe and the United States. This resource was published by Meritas in 2019.
A Checklist of best practices for public companies and their counsel to consider when the company and its employees are active in social media. This Checklist offers suggestions in dealing with the limitations and challenges that federal securities laws place on the use of social media and avoiding violations of the securities laws. This Checklist also covers social media use during sensitive disclosure periods, such as during securities offerings and proxy solicitations.
Learn about where Hong Kong stands on privacy protections on digital content.
In this insight report Allen & Overy legal experts comment on global M&A activity and trends across different sectors and regions.
This article provides an insight on differential voting rights (DVR) and India’s regulatory framework for the issuance of shares carrying DVRs (DVR Shares).
This article provides a discussion of the principal US Securities Act of 1933 sections, rules and regulations that may be used for registration-exempt offers and sales of securities for the purpose of raising capital and their respective requirements, advantages and disadvantages. Following the discussion, are “Deal Points” on important considerations in the exempt-from-registration offering process and what at all costs not to do.
Last month, the merger simplification package adopted by the European Commission entered into force. The main objective of this reform is to achieve a greater level of efficiency in merger review and to reduce the administrative burdens for the businesses involved. The most relevant measures introduced by the package include widening the scope of transactions, which may benefit from the simplified procedure, and updating notification forms. The Commission has also revised its guidelines on commitments offered by parties.
Last year, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) issued the Administrative Measures for Approval of Outbound Investment Projects (Draft for Consultation). These measures do not make any significant changes in the outbound investment project approval and verification process and timeframe set out in the Interim Measures, which they are replacing, but they do relax several requirements as well as incorporate a few regulatory changes adopted by the NDRC in recent years.
That magic moment when an idea, trend or social behaviour crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire. This article examines the recent developments of NewLaw firms in the Australian corporate legal services arena, law firms’ adaptive responses and implications for corporate counsels.
Employee leaves of absence continue to be a source of stress for many organizations doing business in the United States. Not only do employers need to be aware of federal laws that impact employee leaves, but also of state and city leave of absence laws that impose new and, in some cases, unexpected obligations on employers. This panel will provide expert advice about current litigation trends and best practices to avoid common pitfalls with absence management.
This article discusses Canada's 2014 Anti-Spam Law that requires both for-profit and nonprofit organizations to obtain "express consent" from recipients in Canada before sending commercial electronic messages.
The US Securities and Exchange Commission on March 6, 2024 adopted final rules requiring registrants to disclose certain climate-related information in registration statements and annual reports.
This high-level summary from Latham & Watkins outlines the disclosures required by the final rules, the key differences from the proposed rules, and new compliance dates.
Read this article to gain insight into EU privacy restrictions and to evaluate how you can best avoid a situation of noncompliance with these data protection requirements.
The regulatory regime surrounding cryptocurrencies is fragmented and stretches to the extremes in some jurisdictions. Learn more about how different countries deal with cryptocurrencies.
This Wisdom of the Crowd (ACC member discussion) addresses how to dispute bills with outside counsel, under US law. This resource was compiled from questions and responses posted on the forum of the New to In-house ACC Network.*
One of the biggest challenges in managing privacy programs in North America is recognizing and reconciling the significant data implications between the United States and Canada that apply to otherwise similar products and services. Attendees will learn key differences, helpful similarities, and strategies for managing a comprehensive approach to privacy, including what to do with a cross-border data breach.
Learn about Quebec's strengthening of the French language with the May 2022 adoption if Bill 96 and its effects on business.
A review of the most impactful ways in-house counsel are using big data, including predicting legal costs and case outcomes, compliance, and privacy.
As the commercial real estate market begins to recover, the current tenant-friendly environment may begin to shift. However, there is still time to maximize your economic position under the current market dynamics by understanding several basic key issues. Recognize how your company can fortify an advantageous position today, rather than wallow in regret tomorrow.
Everyone in the legal profession at one time or another experiences setbacks and frustrations, but how can attorneys know when it is time to seriously consider alternative roles or interests? Is it possible to make changes without seeking new employment, or has the time come to move on? Read this article to find out more.
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