Having practiced in wide-ranging areas of the law, from construction litigation to Medicare compliance, the author decided to move in-house. In addition to the most visible changes — an open office space, a khakis-and-shirt uniform, etc. — the author discusses less salient ones, like navigating a new cultural landscape and managing day-to-day tasks for a singular client.
This guide covers common issues regarding private client laws in 24 jurisdictions.
Topics explored include pre-entry tax planning, connection factors, taxation issues on inward investment, succession planning, trusts and foundations, immigration issues, and tax treaties.
In this multi-jurisdictional guide, explore an overview of key legal issues, rules and developments regarding corporate immigration across a range of jurisdictions.
Some topics discussed include a global overview of modern slavery and corporate supply chain compliance and more.
ACC Australia presented a potential ethical scenario to three ACC Australia members and asked them to independently analyse and develop a response to the issues outlined.
This multi-jurisdictional guide covers common issues in consumer protection laws and regulations, including substantive provisions, enforcement action, remedies, and anticipated reforms.
Learn about where Hong Kong stands on privacy protections on digital content.
A selection of resources regarding environmental risk due diligence in transactions.
Your company has one opportunity to make a good, or at least a competent, first impression to promptly defuse a situation. You can use the media effectively to present balanced facts to the public following a crisis, to neutralize biased or inaccurate reporting, and to improve your reputation. As in-house counsel, you should be involved on the front line from the beginning. This article shows you how to develop an effective media relations plan, not only to minimize the negatives, but also to accentuate the positives.
For years, the legal world has shied away from diversity, falling behind the inclusion rates of other professions. By implementing newly created disclosure techniques, leaders in corporate America can take advantage of the untapped potential in the room and drive change from top to bottom.
Learn about key developments in the field of international arbitration and dispute resolution.
Last month, the merger simplification package adopted by the European Commission entered into force. The main objective of this reform is to achieve a greater level of efficiency in merger review and to reduce the administrative burdens for the businesses involved. The most relevant measures introduced by the package include widening the scope of transactions, which may benefit from the simplified procedure, and updating notification forms. The Commission has also revised its guidelines on commitments offered by parties.
Last year, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) issued the Administrative Measures for Approval of Outbound Investment Projects (Draft for Consultation). These measures do not make any significant changes in the outbound investment project approval and verification process and timeframe set out in the Interim Measures, which they are replacing, but they do relax several requirements as well as incorporate a few regulatory changes adopted by the NDRC in recent years.
This ACC Docket article is meant to spur dialogue and highlight possible changes to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)’s current model, including one that leverages new forms of corporate structure to create a distinct ethical framework for college athletics.
Read this article to gain insight into EU privacy restrictions and to evaluate how you can best avoid a situation of noncompliance with these data protection requirements.
The US Securities and Exchange Commission on March 6, 2024 adopted final rules requiring registrants to disclose certain climate-related information in registration statements and annual reports.
This high-level summary from Latham & Watkins outlines the disclosures required by the final rules, the key differences from the proposed rules, and new compliance dates.
This article discusses Canada's 2014 Anti-Spam Law that requires both for-profit and nonprofit organizations to obtain "express consent" from recipients in Canada before sending commercial electronic messages.
This article discusses data privacy and cybersecurity trends for 2024, including AI regulations, cybersecurity audits, and genetic and health data protection.
As companies seek to unlock value from their strong brands by expanding into new geographies or product markets, these moves can be fraught with significant legal risks. Panelists will discuss the Kraft Foods Group Brands v. Cracker Barrel Old Country Store case, in which Cracker Barrel was preliminarily enjoined from expanding the reach of its brand to new product categories. Learn different techniques to safely accomplish brand expansion, including developing effective licensing, co-branding and merchandising programs that enhance brand equity, updating trademark clearance procedures, employing innovative trademark application procedures, creating international brand expansion policies and implementing trademark portfolio management strategies to establish an advantage in the global marketplace. Discover how your company can leverage its brands’ existing value while protecting itself from missteps that can shrink profitability, dilute brand value and erode hard-earned competitive advantage.
This Wisdom of the Crowd (ACC member discussion) addresses how to dispute bills with outside counsel, under US law. This resource was compiled from questions and responses posted on the forum of the New to In-house ACC Network.*
What legislation is applicable to insolvencies and reorganisations? What criteria are applied in your country to determine if a debtor is insolvent?
For many companies, the potential of big data is clouded by uncertainty as to how programs should be designed and maintained to avoid legal and regulatory risk. This is especially true because the concept of what constitutes consumer harm – in the field of privacy generally but especially with regard to big data analytics – is rapidly evolving. This InfoPAK provides an overview of legal and regulatory considerations businesses should contemplate when developing programs that rely on big data coupled with tools that help apply those legal and regulatory considerations to real world situations.
Public market, friendly M&A transactions in the United Kingdom can throw some surprises at non-UK attorneys. Learn about issues that are vital for making the deal go smoothly and for ensuring that you and your company are not caught out.
One of the biggest challenges in managing privacy programs in North America is recognizing and reconciling the significant data implications between the United States and Canada that apply to otherwise similar products and services. Attendees will learn key differences, helpful similarities, and strategies for managing a comprehensive approach to privacy, including what to do with a cross-border data breach.
As global economies recover from the credit crisis, lack of available funding is crippling major infrastructure initiatives, and financial advisors are searching for new sources of credit to get their projects off the ground. The Province of Ontario, however, may have found a solution to the problem: a pooled financing vehicle. This article demonstrates the success of local governments using such a model to fund new infrastructure development.
New reporting requirements mandated by the Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP Extension Act of 2007 were effective Jan. 1, 2010. Companies subject to the MMSEA must understand the new requirements or learn the hard way — a potential civil penalty of $1,000 for each day of noncompliance for each claimant. An absolute must-read, this detailed report includes MMSEA background information, and compliance guidelines and instructions.
A review of the most impactful ways in-house counsel are using big data, including predicting legal costs and case outcomes, compliance, and privacy.
Third-party litigation financing is on the rise. Such financing presents new issues and challenges for in-house counsel. This panel discussion will offer information on third-party financing in the United States and in other jurisdictions (e.g., Hong Kong), including both regulation of the industry and how such financing should affect a litigant's approach with respect to settlement considerations, discovery, and dispute resolution strategy.
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