Maybe you think you don’t have the skills you need to successfully fundraise for your nonprofit organization. You do. Everything you need to know you learned years ago. So let’s talk about what you know and how you can apply it.
Learn about and read takeaways from the United States' NLRB ruling in February 2023 that broad confidentiality and non-disparagement provisions, or provisions that require employees to waive rights under the National Labor Relations Act, may not be included in severance agreements.
The most popular session at the ACC Annual Meeting in New Orleans filled a hall with over 600 lawyers. The topic was emotional intelligence. Find out why this is such an important skill as well as how you can develop it.
Learn how other in-house counsel and their legal department support corporate governance and compliance and ethics programs. In-house counsel from seven companies share governance practices and examine the alignment of ethics and compliance with the culture and strategic plan of the organization. At the end of the guide, find practical tools and samples, such as a company compliance newsletter, a compliance checklist, a compliance program assessment table and a management attestation questionnaire for legislative compliance.
This guide is designed to inform potential investors about the current and upcoming tourism market within Egypt.
"the "Getting the Deal Through" reference guide for M&A professionals"
Learn the rules regarding corporate groups' cash pooling, with this multi-country guide.
Don't make the same mistakes Wall Street Executives did, learn from them. In-house counsel involved in executive compensation matters often find themselves in the cross-fires of competing legal, ethical, political, relationship and self-interest issues. Facing the specter of increased government oversight, boards and compensation committees grapple to fairly compensate, motivate and engage their executives while balancing shareholder and public perception of run-away compensation. This game show format will train attendees to recognize key issues and understand how to avoid the pitfalls of ethical and legal situations. Attendees should emerge able to provide better support and insight to their executive team, board members, HR and coworkers.
Explore ethical considerations involving electronic file sharing, accessibility and storage, as well as document retention and destruction.
Whether you work in marketing, sales, operations, business development or finance, you need to know how to spot "corrupt payment" issues and respond appropriately. (Licensed for use in classroom settings only and not for distribution in any form.)
This ACC guide, sponsored by Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP, provides an overview of some of the protection frameworks for data and software.
This is a sample master materials purchase agreement.
The guide presents overviews on general data privacy laws on personally identifiable information, personal health information, financial information and other sensitive data in different jurisdictions around the world.
This guide covers key legal issues, rules, and developments regarding fraud and asset tracing across a range of jurisdictions.
Consider this checklist to help you assess compliance with the Personal Information Protection Law of China ("PIPL") adopted on 20 August 2021.
How does your contract governance protect human rights in your international supply chain? Consider the Model Contract Clauses to Protect Workers in International Supply Chains, Version 2.0, developed by the Working Group to Draft Model Contract Clauses to Protect Human Rights in International Supply Chains American Bar Association Section of Business Law.
Overview of the Federal Trade Commission's May 7, 2024 final rule banning most noncompete agreements in the United States, including options that employers should consider if the rule is not stayed by the federal courts prior to its effective date in September 2024.
Accidents happen. And when they do, a waiver may determine whether or not your company is held liable. Recent court cases, however, suggest that waivers executed by parents on behalf of their children are unenforceable in certain states. Learn why and where these agreements fall short, and what you can do to further protect your company.
The recent story of two New York attorneys “duped” by ChatGPT into citing “fake” cases in a court submission illustrates some of the risks of using artificial intelligence.
But the attorney missteps in the ChatGPT case are entirely avoidable. And the emergence of generative AI carries extraordinary potential if attorneys can learn to use the technology wisely.
A focus on efficiency and effectiveness—these were the strategic priorities for the majority of legal teams.
This was a consistent message from corporate law departments around the world. In Europe respondents placed particular emphasis on the drive for efficiency. In this report, in-house counsel will learn about the priorities and implementation strategies of European corporate departments.
The European Commission has extensive powers to investigate possible infringements of EC competition law, including the power to carry out on-the-spot investigations at a company’s premises, if necessary, without prior warning (so-called dawn raids). This article provides information about your company’s rights and obligations in responding to a dawn raid.
Review recent global legal and public policy developments in the technology realm; Identify reasons many corporate counsel are unprepared to conduct adequate cybersecurity risk assessments; and Learn best practices in cybersecurity risk management and data breach crisis response.
The majority of in-house counsel’s time and attention spent on contracts is often focused on the wording of the limitation-of-liability (LoL) clause. In the brave new world of big data, the significance of the LoL clause cannot be overstated. Although they cannot secure protection from all risks, they need not be leaky sieves.
No matter your age, back-to-school season can still conjure up a heavy dose of nostalgia for fresh beginnings. Even if your classroom days are far behind you, as a legal professional, you never really stop learning. Though lawyers and support staff need continuing legal education (CLE) to meet keep their licenses and certifications current, those shouldn’t be the only reasons to look to professional development. Read on to learn more.
Teaching law school is an exciting opportunity for in-house counsel to share their practical knowledge and help develop the next generation of lawyers. View a compilation of course proposals, syllabi, and exams, that have been created and used by members of the in-house community who have taught or are teaching a class in law school.
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