Chinese people can be very indirect in expressing what they want. When you offer your Chinese guests tea, it is not unusual that they say no in the first instance and agree to have some when you ask them the second time.
With just a click of a button and a simple forward of a newsletter, you could unwittingly be violating a subscription contract. Unauthorized copying of a newsletter could cost your company millions in copyright infringement damages. This articles offers suggestions on how to avoid this type of claim and what to do if have to defend against one.
This article argues that the path of Chinese land reform better fits a “bundle of sticks” than “law of things” view of property rights. It also examines the recent policy developments following the third plenum of the 18th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and finds that policy makers have stuck to the stick by stick approach.
This is a template enterprise license agreement.
COVID-19 has shaken up the healthcare industry in many ways. Following a downturn in early 2020, merger and acquisition (M&A) activity is expected to return, to support recovery and stabilize post-pandemic operations. This list summarizes ten key considerations specific to healthcare M&A transactions.
This QuickCounsel addresses how workplace class actions can prove very expensive and involve a high reputational risk, both of which can result in substantial financial exposure and negatively impact a company's value.
This guide presents a general overview of health law in jurisdictions throughout the world.
This ACC guide provides a Q&A that gives a high level overview of board composition, the comply or explain approach, management rules and authority, directors' duties and liabilities, transactions with directors and conflicts, company meetings, internal controls, accounts and audit, institutional investors and reform proposals in the United Kingdom.
Working in-house is different. You have three hats now: legal counselor, business partner and guardian of the corporation. They didn’t teach you about this in the law firm or in law school. Among other things, you will have to learn all about the business, adapt to a different culture, become cost effective, develop good working relationships with your clients, think about non-legal topics like risk management and somehow balance it all and conserve your most precious resource –– you!
This training course will help you recognize these "red flags" and respond appropriately. If you have any questions about how this material applies to your job responsibilities, please direct them to your supervisor
The European Unified Patent Court (UPC) – which centralizes patent litigation throughout most of the EU – is on track to go live in late 2016 or early 2017. The new UPC is expected to rival and potentially surpass US courts as the preferred venue for major patent disputes, as US companies will be able to obtain an EU-wide injunction via a single litigation, instead of having to litigate in each jurisdiction. This will drastically reduce costs and improve enforcement, but it won’t be easy. The new system and the changes in procedure and process are complex. Companies must assess multiple factors to decide in advance whether to participate or opt-out. This panel comprised of lawyers dually qualified in the US and UK will focus on how the UPC will impact IP filing and enforcement strategies of US companies, and answer questions such as: What strategic planning should US companies be doing now to prepare for the UPC?; What are the best practices to protect US companies’ patent portfolios in Europe?; What are the commercial advantages of opting-in or out of the UPC?; How will early UPC participants shape the new court system?; How do US companies decide whether to opt-in or opt-out?; How do US companies approach product clearance and FTO in Europe, particularly as applied in licensing and acquisitions?; What are the options for mitigating significant competitor patent risk before it is exacerbated by the UPC?
The purpose of this Policy is to establish standards and expectations regarding any company-related use of Social Media.
The current study is the result of the voluntary participation of Brazilian representatives of the legal departments of over one hundred national and international companies. This study covers the relationship between legal departments and law firms in Brazil.
Gain a more fluent knowledge of global privacy issues and data sharing challenges through an experiential learning session. Learn more about where technology is leading the law on privacy issues. Understand how in-house counsel can better anticipate and plan for shifts and developments in the area of data privacy. Learn by participation and peer interaction. Participants will represent the many countries involved in the operations of a hypothetical global company that wants to gather and share employee data internally. As company representatives within their jurisdiction, they will negotiate with the regulators (faculty) on proposed cross-border solutions for data sharing.
This article addresses the financing challenges for private equity buyers in carve‐out acquisitions.
When it comes to controlling ediscovery costs, in-house counsel often rely on one of two options: Let outside counsel handle it or settle the case. However, there is a third option that involves using internal resources and litigation support vendors. Read on to learn more about what this option entails, as well as recommendations for reducing future ediscovery costs.
Recently, sophisticated prioritization algorithms, called technology-assisted review software, have made ediscovery more efficient and cost-effective. But are these programs right for risk-averse in-house lawyers? Is its technology defensible and scientific, and how do courts view it? This article addresses these questions.
This article is a summary of major copyright developments between December 2014 and March 2015.
It's not just boiler plate! This program will help you negotiate important clauses even with the 800 pound gorillas that everyone says will not change their "standard" contract language. To do this, you need to get past the gatekeepers. Those gatekeepers are internal and the other side with whom you are negotiating. Build influence by choosing the important issues to negotiate and help your internal constituents understand the importance to gain momentum. The panel will present negotiation and drafting tips designed to complement and refine your approach based upon differing internal and external pressures to "get the deal done."
Because every business has employees, buy-sell agreements involve employees. This article provides a practical guide to the necessary, and not-so obvious, labor and employment issues that should be on in-house counsel’s “radar screen” when conducting merger and acquisition due diligence.
This brief overview (Quick Counsel) describes common mistakes customers and service providers make, and should be aware of, when negotiating cloud services agreements (but is not meant to be an exhaustive list).
This ACC guide, sponsored by Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP, provides an overview of some of the protection frameworks for data and software.
Tools & Solutions for Doing Your Job Better
Despite the steady transition from paper to electronic-based media over the past two decades, many company records programs are still largely paper-centric. With new compliance challenges on the horizon, these programs require an upgrade.
This Checklist addresses hiring outside counsel, outside counsel guidelines, applying legal project management principles to legal matters, insourcing and outsourcing legal work, analyzing matter outcomes, and terminating outside counsel.
Learn about risks with trading in green electricity based on the practices in China.
This article explains whether private-sector employers are required to acknowledge federal holidays and provide premium holiday pay, it highlights Juneteenth National Independence Day and provides ways for companies to celebrate the holiday, and it summarizes federal contractor holiday pay requirements and religious accommodation obligations. Finally, this article underscores the importance of a holiday pay policy, identifies “do’s and don’ts” for holiday parties, and sets forth public-sector employer holiday pay requirements.
This brief resource (Top Ten) outlines the top considerations for existing ASTM standards for environmental due diligence, their intersection with the law and the advent of new standards.
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